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Comments on this Tractor
ksennfTRBO wrote on Friday, August 02, 2013 (PDT):and the offer Jordans 11 Breds for sale
jackie r hodges wrote on Friday, May 17, 2013 (PDT):i have a straight axle wheels to a case tractor on the hub it has case 130 r
joel kallman wrote on Wednesday, March 07, 2012 (PST):I have a 1956 case model 401 deisel good runner that I would to sell or trade,pictures available,looking for a smaller tractor that I can use in the woods with front loader.
Duane Olson wrote on Friday, March 05, 2010 (PST):I have a Case tractor and believe it s a Model D. I looks nearly identical to the one pictured above. I cant find a model number or serial number and do not know what year it is. I need a magneto and also a carburetor rebuild kit. Where can I get info on my tractor Any and all help is appreciated!
Duane Olson wrote on Friday, March 05, 2010 (PST):I have a Case tractor and believe it s a Model D. I looks nearly identical to the one pictured above. I cant find a model number or serial number and do not know what year it is. I need a magneto and also a carburetor rebuild kit. Where can I get info on my tractor Any and all help is appreciated!
Bill Moore wrote on Monday, August 31, 2009 (PDT):BM from Nebraska....found a pic of a tractor identical to mine in maine,,,it is a DI Case,,with a magneto....have not gotten a response from looking for 2 speed pto for D case to put on it...with weight in the rear box,,,weighs 9820 lbs. Still not sure hood on mine is correct or not,,,,,,would the DI of had the same decals as the D
B M wrote on Friday, June 19, 2009 (PDT):I just bought a case with a loader on it,,,don t know what madel but from a few pics seen,,guessing DI. It has a cast radiator,no dipstick,weighted wheels,pump on front with a large guard plate that says CASE and a counterweight box on rear that look to say CASE 40.There is a hand lever on the right side.Hand and foot throttle controls. The loader has two cylinders on each side as well as the bucket one. ROAD GRADER rear tires and smooth 9.50-16 front tires. No PTO but is a plate where one could be applied i believe. Seems to run out ok....The hood is not correct,has two holes at rear of it and maybe a little wide. The serial no. tag from dash panel is gone. Info on this would be appreciated. A lead on a proper hood and if pto can be added easily and where to find one would be nice.........
Will V wrote on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 (PDT):I have a Case, Model DI. Serial number 5219389. It has a New Idea Horn loader, built in Fort Dodge. I bought this tractor in 1987. When I bought it, it was Case orange with aluminum rims. I am looking for manuals and other information on this tractor, like year, where it was built, etc. I am also having rear wheel problems, the rims are rotted. I would like to know what kind of road grader rims to put on. Any information would be grately appreciated. Will
Justin Armstrong wrote on Friday, May 22, 2009 (PDT):I have a case di given to me by my uncle it was used by our school district to plow roads to get the buses out to the kids it has a name plate for the army core of engineers and just the model D I if any one could let me know what the tractor was actualy made for i would appreaciate it very much
Charley wrote on Monday, December 08, 2008 (PST):I am looking for Information on Case DI Tractors Modified by Mercer Engineering Works, for Cranes and Baggage Conveyors.
jack vliet wrote on Sunday, June 29, 2008 (PDT):I have a 1939 caseR in need of engine parts for a rebuild.
dieseldave56 wrote on Friday, June 20, 2008 (PDT):Have a 1950 Case DI with Lull Shovel Loader. I am looking for information , manual, catalogs on the Lull
Mark wrote on Saturday, January 26, 2008 (PST): I have a rare 1942 Case V forsale In very good condition, no rust or dings in metal.Runs,no smoke.Shown at the museum of the appalachia.For more Info call me 423-784-1899
Mark Bird wrote on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 (PDT):I have a photo of a Case DI with armor plating around the operators platform. Case produced for the military.
Hector Lalonde wrote on Monday, July 30, 2007 (PDT):For Kumaran Spaulding;I have a 1952 Case DI and had the same problem.I since have installed road grader rims size 10x24.Also looking for complete engine,if you have tips on where to find one.705-235-3827 Canada
Kumaran Spaulding wrote on Monday, October 16, 2006 (PDT): I have a 1950 case DI hough loader/ backhoe and am looking for info on how I can get a hold of two rear wheels. The rear wheels that are on it now are all rusted out do to the leaking calcium. So any info would be very greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
Tim Walker wrote on Wednesday, October 04, 2006 (PDT):I have a question with regards to serial numbers. I have a Case C with the serial number C395929 and I am wondering what year that would be. If you could answer this question it would be much appreciated. Feel free to e-mail me any time with help. Thanks Tim
John Rus wrote on Thursday, June 22, 2006 (PDT):I would like to purchase a 1943 Model D Case tractor to restore. Also, I would like one for parts in restoring it. Please let me know.
myke meiners wrote on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 (PDT):I just bought a case 190 garden tractor in basket it had broken axel I fixed now I need the cluster gears. If anyone knows where I get one I would sure be abliged to have them let me know
Fred Merklin wrote on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 (PDT):I have a 1947 DI with a Lull Loader. Seems like a lot were equiped this way. Good running tractor but noisy. Needs an exhaust manifold. Gas engine not multifuel. Anyone know of a reasonably priced source. Thanks
Terry wrote on Sunday, June 05, 2005 (PDT):I have a 1940 DI Case that I'm currently restoring. It has a mull loader on the front. I would like to know what the original color scheme of this tractor. I can't find any pictures any where. If any one has any knowledge of this, please let me know. Thanks.
Mike wrote on Monday, February 14, 2005 (PST):I have a 1956 DI CASE with loader for sale if anyone is interested. Foot clutch, hydraulic bucket, and rear tire chains. Runs good.
Floyd Darnell wrote on Monday, February 14, 2005 (PST):I have a friend who lives on a place and there is a 1907?? Case Steam Tractor. Large metal wheels and asteam (fire)box. It actually runs, however, I cannot find a picture on the case site of a 1907 or even a 1923 steam tractor. If anyone can help send me a pic or a site. TKS!!!!
Justin Wheeler wrote on Thursday, February 03, 2005 (PST):I am curently restoring a 1940 CASE DI for a high school ag project. I got it from an old salvage yard that was closed down due to flooding and its location on the river. I paid $100 dollars for it, but what really cought my attention was it's color. It was millitary green with a white star on the hood. It also had some faded numbers. all there.
George Showalter wrote on Friday, October 22, 2004 (PDT):I have a 1948 CASE DI am looking for; radiator cap, ring gear, starter bendex, gas cap... 907-776-8957
Cole Thomas wrote on Saturday, October 16, 2004 (PDT):I have a 49-50 dc4. Where was the toolbox accually mounted? My number is (218)3346447 thanks lots cole
Dave Ball wrote on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 (PDT):Looking for a running Case Di 1942-1945 vintage would like a complete tractor needs not to be restored just good running condition. West coast area Thanks Dave
Eric Recksiedler wrote on Monday, September 13, 2004 (PDT):I'm looking for mainbearings for my case model D. Can anyone help me locate some?
Golden Lopez wrote on Thursday, August 05, 2004 (PDT):I'm trying to find information on a Case 300 propane between 1940 - 1948. Can anyone help?
myra nehmelman wrote on Monday, March 22, 2004 (PST):I have a case model d tractor serial number is dc8026938 runs great has a belly mower it is in good condition. What is the value.
Michael Reuter wrote on Monday, December 29, 2003 (PST):I am looking for parts & service manuals for a 1950 Case DI
ron seaton wrote on Monday, December 22, 2003 (PST):i have a 48 it is mostly there need a carb and a rear hub if i cant weld the keyway up every thing else is good would like apicture of one thanks ron
Eric Ebling wrote on Monday, September 22, 2003 (PDT):My friend is looking for the head gascut for a case modle 10\18 crossmotor if you have one ore know somebudy that does call him at (717)933.5398
vaughn wells wrote on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 (PDT):my clutch won't realese. There is oil in the case. The modle is 5307101 D. Can anyone tell me about it. Also the year.
j. g. major wrote on Monday, June 09, 2003 (PDT):I just bought a Case 1948 D orchard tractor. The sheet metal that goes over the wheels is missing. Who has the best source of parts for one of these tractors? I would also like any information you could pass along about this model tractor.
Dwaine Heiser wrote on Saturday, June 07, 2003 (PDT):402-443-4803
Dwaine Heiser wrote on Saturday, June 07, 2003 (PDT):I have parts and rebuilt mags for case. Nobody ceaper.
Ray O Malley wrote on Monday, May 19, 2003 (PDT):This is a shit tractor i think u should get a new 1
Dave O ' Malley wrote on Monday, May 19, 2003 (PDT):I think that this tractors is shit and u should get a new tractor
kevin C. Stuart wrote on Sunday, January 05, 2003 (PST):I have a 1948 DI Case built May 25 1948,orginally it was a loader tractor and was shipped to Roy C. Wayne supply company,If any body knows were this company was located I would be very thankful.
dean nylen wrote on Thursday, December 19, 2002 (PST):I have a case and I am told its a 1948 D. I will sell for $800. It runs but missing on one cylinder.
Jerry Froehlich wrote on Wednesday, July 31, 2002 (PDT):I have a case that someone removed the ID tag from the panel But I found the numbers DC8025937 on the engine block near the clutch housing. Can someone tell what model it may be from this number . Year?
Craig Beacock wrote on Monday, July 29, 2002 (PDT): I have just bought a 1939 Case D Trator. And was wondering if it is the same as the DI,DC. To young to know. If there is a differents Thanks
dan wrote on Sunday, March 17, 2002 (PST):I need a diagram of the transfer case on a 1953 case DI I keep getting stuck between gars.
Jim Dawson wrote on Saturday, March 09, 2002 (PST):I own a 1949 Case Di. Ipull it in antique tractor pulls. THis tractor has unbelible power I wouldn't pull anything else mbut a case. I also own a 1952 Do.
Nick wrote on Saturday, February 23, 2002 (PST):I have a 1946 Case DC that has a flat front grill like the one in the picture it is origional if anyone has any iformation about why the grill is flat I would like to hear from you.
John wrote on Sunday, February 17, 2002 (PST):I wrote on feb. 8 about a 1950 case DI and forgot to add my email address. Email me at mud1451 at thank you.
Bill Blomquist wrote on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 (PST):I need a CASE DI engine for a customers tractor.
JOHN wrote on Friday, February 08, 2002 (PST):I have come across a 1950 Case DI,with a Lull loader.It doesn't have a 3 point hitch or PTO/PTO controls. I'd like to find out if and how I can add these, as well as power steering.I'd like to find out how and where i can get parts to fix it up.I've found out I can get plugs,points,carb. rebuild kit,etc. through NAPA.The 1st thing I need to get is a rear rim.One is rusted through and needs to be replaced before I can use it. Any and all help would be appreciated..
Scott Dias wrote on Monday, September 17, 2001 (PDT):Have come across two Case tractors. Both are complete and appear to have been running when parked. S/N#'s are 5220488DO & 5501298DV. Figured out there year and that the are orchard and vineyard models. Can any one tell me production numbers and if there is any interest.
Ed.C.Weyn wrote on Sunday, August 12, 2001 (PDT):My dad bought a new Case DC in 1948 from a dealer in Mt.Clemens,Mich,it had a manure loader on it.He sold this machine about 10-12 years ago to a lumber yard in the Brighton/Novi/Oakland County area.It had a large square concrete counterweight mounted on the rear as we used it to load dirt.My dad passed away Jan 2001 at 90 years of age,I would like very much to locate this old friend,anybody see her around give me a call,PLEASE,Ed.C.Weyn,Waterford,Mich 248 682-7025
Gary Fraser wrote on Thursday, August 09, 2001 (PDT):I have a l950DC Case that I would like to have a pair of fenders for..they dont have to be the best ,but reasonable price would appreciate any info..I am in SW AZ thanks.....Gary Fraser
Chuck wrote on Monday, July 23, 2001 (PDT):I have a 1943 Case D. I. that has an Earth Master Boom, and hard rubber tires on the front. Motor Runs good but has a bad spot on the fly wheel and needs carbeurator work. This tractor is Unique and One Of A Kind. Could be considered an Industrial Type of Tractor. Want to sell it. Email for pics, any offer over $850.00 gets it. Located in West Central Illinois.
reid valentine wrote on Friday, July 13, 2001 (PDT):i own a 1946 DI that I am currently looking for parts /info/ and questions answered
Del Watkins wrote on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 (PDT):I am looking for a late 40's - 50's D, L, LA seiries tractor with excessories if possable (loader, PTO, 3 Point,) to use regularly. I prefer running but am open to other options. Grand Terrace Tractor in Colton California is a good source of old parts, as is Meyer Ward based in Northern california for those needing help.
jim charles wrote on Friday, June 08, 2001 (PDT): i had just picked up a case di with a lull front end loader...what i was wonering..can i put a three point hitch on it
Jeff Wood wrote on Friday, June 01, 2001 (PDT):Hi I believe to have a 1953 DI tractor there are no Id tags. It has a foot clutch, I am looking for a pressure plate if you can assist me please email me thanks.
ray dias wrote on Thursday, May 31, 2001 (PDT):Go for it.
charlie wrote on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 (PDT):I have a case -o- matic from the 50's or early 60's in my grandpa's barn and it doesnt have a top on it , I was just wondering if someone would be nice enough to send me a picture of one so I can see what it was supposed to look like
Terry W. Golladay wrote on Thursday, March 29, 2001 (PST):how or whare can I find a picture of a 1976 case bicentenial modle #1570. thank you
Don Giehl Jr. wrote on Friday, November 24, 2000 (PST):i am looking for someone to e-mail me i pic. of a 1951 case D.O.
nick wrote on Tuesday, November 21, 2000 (PST):I am 13 and own a 1946 Case DC. It can out pull big IH W-6's at the tractor pulls. I am looking for a manual, or another case D series tractor or a Case L in western KS. If anyone has these tractors in unrestored condition to get rid of I would like to here from you.
Ronald Peters wrote on Thursday, October 05, 2000 (PDT):My question is a general about all case tractors what years were the case tractors made and which one would be the best for al around use
Gary Gray wrote on Wednesday, August 30, 2000 (PDT):We have a CASE 1943, Model DIO. We are looking for information how to restore this tractor to it's original appearance. Does anybody has information, pictures? What color was it?
Rick wrote on Wednesday, August 30, 2000 (PDT):I have a D series case tractor, I don't know the year, however I was told it is a 1944. It has a hand clutch, wide front end, and I have totaly restored it. It has new rear tires, brakes, seals, paint, and lots of parts. It has been converted to a 12 volt system. It runs great. I think as heavy duty as it is it would do great in the tractor pulls. Anyway, I am trying to sell it for 1700.00. This is what I have into it in parts. Give me a Call if interested. Willard, Utah 435-734-9826.
karen wrote on Friday, August 25, 2000 (PDT):help, my father has located a 1952 dc with a wide front end can anybody help me with how may were made and where can i get any information.
Gwen Jacobs wrote on Sunday, July 16, 2000 (PDT):My father is thinking of selling the family farm. We have been talking about a 1940 Case Crank/Starter Tractor that still works. How do I find the value of this tractor and whom would we contact for an appraisal? He also has a cultivator with it.
John wrote on Sunday, June 18, 2000 (PDT):I have aquired a 1948 DI with the HOUGH loader.The tractor has a blown engine.Will another model engine fit this tractor ?? Any information is appreciated..
Alan Soper wrote on Friday, June 16, 2000 (PDT):I have a 1944 Case D,need information on tightening the chains in the rear differential. should I remove a link in the chains or have to replace them?
Bill Cranston wrote on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 (PDT):I have a 1946? D that has every piece on including the cast grill and original radiator and gas caps. would like to sell it. it does not run although it turns over. somebody make me a reasonable offer. Located in ne nevada.
ANDRE BURGOYNE wrote on Saturday, May 13, 2000 (PDT):My father tells me they used to have an old CASE DI that used a right hand clutch whist all the others had the clutch on the left.Could any one tell me why or which particular model this may relate to
Ed Patton wrote on Sunday, April 16, 2000 (PDT):Working on a Case DO with early serial number. Probably 1940 with hand clutch and early style pto. Runs like a top but need a grill shell, battery box, and radiator bottom tank.
Gordy Anderson wrote on Tuesday, April 04, 2000 (PDT):I also have a DI case it has a industrial loader on it made by lull company. My Dad purchased the tractor from a blacktop company. The tractor was handed down to me and I to would like to know what color it should be. "what a workhorse"
Martin Brack wrote on Wednesday, March 01, 2000 (PST):I'm tring to fix up a D case tractor. I'm looking for a junked one to use for some parts. I'm also looking for a 3piont hitch and a loader.
Albert Sparks Jr. wrote on Thursday, February 24, 2000 (PST):I am trying to find the two fenders for my 1950 DC Case If you can help me with this search I would appreciate it very much
Jason Baumeister wrote on Sunday, January 23, 2000 (PST):My father just bought a case model "D" to restore.He needs fenders for it.Please call 262-543-2274 if you can help.
Mike wrote on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 (PST):I beleve I have a DI tractor with Ottawa hoe and loader, but the I.D.tags are missing. Please can you help
Shawn Fairchild wrote on Wednesday, January 05, 2000 (PST):please note my e-mail address has changed. We still have "Bull Moose", it's interesting about the yellow paint. Does anyone know if this was common ? We are investigating installing power steering, otherwise it's a great tractor! Ive never seen a 49'r.
Darold FREDERICK wrote on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 (PST): I also have DI narrow tread IT'S ONLY 48'' WIDE. IT'S 1948 MODEL AND HAD YELLOW PAINT.
caleb wrote on Wednesday, December 15, 1999 (PST):looking into buying a 1949 case DI with loader don't know to much about this model. Is there any commom problem with the DI's or are they good tractors.
Shawn Fairchild wrote on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 (PDT):My father-in-law and I own a 1948 Case DI with a loader, and counter-weight. It is currently "worn yellow" with the Case red showing through. We use it regularly, and affectionately call it "Bull Moose".
Ron Smith wrote on Thursday, July 22, 1999 (PDT):please tell me what model case tractor might have been commonly operated by mid-western farmers in the year 1949 and what color was this model?
clark Kibler wrote on Friday, May 07, 1999 (PDT):I grew up in the orange groves of California and wonder if any Case DO models are still around. Have need to restore one now. Prettiest tractor made.
Keith L. Symmes wrote on Monday, April 12, 1999 (PDT):I also have a DI and wondered how you chose the paint colors as mine is an industrial yellow now, but appears to have a dark red underneath. Mina also has a front bucket loader and I want to adapt a Hopto backhoe to it in place of the current counterweight.
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