Antique Ferguson Tractor: Ferguson 35
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This picture shows a 1957 version. The tractor was considered one of the most useful tractors of its time, featuring a three-point hitch. An aftermarket loader was also available. |
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SkyesyphPH wrote on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 (PDT):You might feel that this is beyond your control, however, on the contrary, you have power over the situation and there are things you can do to save the relationship. Over 10 years old. Talk about things I learn about. Among them might be loving the reality they have someone so close and sincere to talk with, while the other one might be burning with desire for them. I would def need to speak to my buddy first. In the very first part of the 20th century, plant ecologists frequently utilized the species-area curve to estimate the minimum size of a quadrat essential to effectively define a community. In the case of facultative symbiosis, the symbiotic relationship provides each organism a higher chance of survival however isn t absolutely necessary. Remember that any issue that does not end the relationship will just make it stronger. It needs remarkable efforts, determination and desire to correspond with the person you enjoy. Keep work and individual life separate from each other at all expenses. Some individuals are masters of checking out blended signals, but others don t understand what to believe or how to make the relationship go an action further. I believe not agreeing on whatever really makes a relationship healthy. While a male who is a confident fast-talker with a smooth technique makes some of us swoon, others think they can translucent guys like that in an instant! I personally have a relative who remains in an extremely unfavorable relationship. Would you ever have a cross country relationship Because in the end, every relationship flourishes on emotional intimacy. Activities that 2 individuals take part in together, like viewing a film, preparing a dinner, or playing a game, can foster feelings of intimacy and nearness. It often happens that two people have a terrific time together, but they do not share the very same sensations for each other. One thing that is going to help is to never enable yourself to be criticized, or a minimum of don t internalize it. After all, what someone dislikes, another person practically certainly loves! Even though it sounds like the most logical thing to do, it s not simple to ask someone if they are actually into us, particularly when we currently have an excellent relationship with that person. If you re falling for someone who keeps sending out mixed signals and you fear the awful good friend zone, take this quiz to discover precisely where the two of you are going! According to ET, it was Lopez s partner Ben Affleck who inspired her to transmute her discomfort into art. A law enforcement officer who had a sexual relationship with a vulnerable teenager he fulfilled on responsibility has been jailed. A cheating incident in the relationship is the primary factor why relationships end and couples break up. Kat Bourgeois brand name brand-new e-book, Exactly what Could You Quite potentially End up being Pondering Even with external validation, it is challenging to determine whether the choice of training and test sets was manipulated to take full advantage of the predictive capability of the design being published. The physical design is normally instantiated in the structural metadata of a database management system as relational database items such as database tables, database indexes such as unique crucial indexes, and database restrictions asiame review such as a foreign essential constraint or a commonness restriction. There are countless things to know and do about delivering and parenting. When there are three kids in a family, it is a huge issue how to make them reside in the unified atmosphere. However, now you have a more easy method of handling such a problem. Another method to this issue includes using domain ontologies. At the exact same time, the therapist will teach you how to much better communicate with one another and how to keep an eye out for nonverbal hints that let you know a circumstance is about to escalate so you can better douse flames before they leave control. I most likely have and do not learn about it. We have actually never ever been out together. Yes, they re missing out! Yes, really, however I do not rave it. Yes, but just if he s altered. Yes, whoever is president was either sent by God if I like them or a test if I don t . I do not like animals. I wish to cuddle all animals. And you might get disturbed on a smaller scale when the relationship is not about you and what you want. Now, Not. Going. Anywhere., and Can t Get Enough. People are often very complicated, and our relationships can t always be precisely specified. The matching hypothesis suggests that we normally choose to date people we consider as highly appealing. Can the 2 of you date other individuals While some individuals like a man with a beard, others can not stand the burn, for example.
plufaphqS wrote on Monday, August 22, 2022 (PDT):Pronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder Vocabulary and Terminology TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING adaptive immunity a D A Pt i v i M U n i t e adenoids A D e noydz anaphylaxis a n a f a L A Ks i s antibody A Nt i b o d e antigen A Nt i j e n asplenia a SPL E N e a autoimmune disease awt o i M U N d i Z E Z axillary nodes A KS i l a r e n o dz B cell B s e l cellmediated immunity s e l m e d e A t e d i M U N i t e cervical nodes S E Rv i kl n o dz complement system C O Mpl e m e nt S i St e m cytokines S I t o k i nz cytotoxic T cell s i t o T O Ks i k T s e l dendritic cell d e nDR I t i k s e l helper T cell H E Lp e r T s e l humoral immunity H U m e r a l i mM U N i t e hypersplenism h i p e rSPL E N i zm immunity i mM U N i t e immunoglobulins i m u n o GL O B u l i nz immunosuppression i m u n o s u PR E sh u n immunotherapy i m u n o TH E R a p e LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEMS TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING inguinal node I NGgw i n a l n o d interferons i nt e rF E R o nz interleukins i nt e rLOOk i nz interstitial uid i nt e rST I SH a l FLOO i d lymph l i mf lymphadenitis l i mf a hd e N I t i s lymphadenopathy l i mf a d e N O P a hth e lymph capillaries l i mf K A P i l a r e z lymphedema l i mf e D E m a lymph node l i mf n o d lymphocytes L I Mf o s i tz lymphocytosis l i mf o s i T O s i s lymphocytopenia l i mf o s i t o P E n e a lymphoid organs L I Mfoid O Rg a nz lymphopoiesis l i mf o poy E s i s lymph vessel l i mf V E S e l macrophage M A Kr o f a j mediastinal nodes m e d e a sT I n a l n o dz mesenteric nodes m e s e nT E R i k n o dz monoclonal antibody m o n o KL O n a l A Nt i b o d e natural immunity N A t u r a l i mM U n i t e paraaortic nodes p a r a a O Rt i k n o dz plasma cell PL A Zm a s e l right lymphatic duct r i t l i mF A t i k d u kt spleen spl e n splenectomy spl e N E Kt o m e splenomegaly spl e n o M E G a l e suppressor T cell s u PR E s o r T s e l T cell T s e l thoracic duct th o R A s i k d u kt thymectomy th i M E Kt o m e thymus gland TH I m u s gl a nd tolerance T O L e r a ntz tonsils T O Ns i lz LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEMS TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING toxic T O Ks i k toxin T O Ks i n vaccination v a ks i N A sh u n vaccine v a kS E N Pathology and Laboratory Tests TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING acquired immunodeciency syndrome a KW I RD i m u n o d e F I SH e ns e S I Ndr o m allergen A L e rj e n allergy A L e rj e atopy A T o p e CD cell CD P O S i t i v s e l ELISA e L I z a Hodgkin disease H O Jk i n d i Z E Z human immunodeciency virus H U m a n i m u n o d e F I SH e ns e V I r u s immunoelectrophoresis i m u n o e l e ktr o ph o r E s i s Kaposi sarcoma K A p o s e or k a P O Ss e s a rK O m a lymphoma l i mF O m a multiple myeloma M U LT i pl m i e L O m a nonHodgkin lymphoma n o nH O Jk i n l i mF O ma opportunistic infections o pp o rt u N I St i k i nF E Ksh u nz protease inhibitors PR O t e a s i nH I B i t o rz reverse transcriptase inhibitors severe combined immunodeciency disease r e V E RS tr a nsSCR I PT a z i nH I B i t o rz s e V E R k o mB I ND i m u n o d e F I SH e ns e d i Z E Z thymoma th i M O m a viral load test v i r a l l o d t e st wasting syndrome W A ST i ng S I Ndr o m Western blot W E St e rn bl o t LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEMS REVIEW SHEET Write the meaning of the word parts in the spaces provided. buy ivermectin for humans online Mobic
gloria wrote on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 (PDT):My dad has a ferguson35 but it is grey and was never painted. We stilluse it but have no idea what year it is as my dad passed away. I was taught to drive it when I was around 10 years old.
Russ wrote on Thursday, August 15, 2013 (PDT):Gerald Vonderheide I have a MF202 34hp in good mech. condition. Asking 3195 here in Upper Mich. make an offer. 906-466-2427
greg pannell wrote on Friday, July 12, 2013 (PDT):Have a 1958 ferguson 35 completely restored for sale for information and pricing call bob 205-504-5645
Jim Chaplin P.O. Box 70, Fort Qu Appelle, Sask. Canada wrote on Tuesday, June 05, 2012 (PDT):looking to talk to someone that can help figure out what unit I have and dignose problems. I will call back to discuss if you can send phone #. Thanks Jim Chaplin
Douglas wrote on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 (PDT): I recently purchased, so I was told a 1957 Ferguson, red shell grey engine. Since the serial number plate has been removed 2 rivet holes , how can I really tell this is a 57 serial number on engine or something else ...etc thank you Douglas
Jim Seelbach wrote on Monday, January 23, 2012 (PST):Looking for Grandfathers Massey Ferguson 35 1959 runs on LP Gas, gas tank was in the front. Sold in Texas or OK in 1996. Or trying to find one like this. Thanks.
w croft wrote on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 (PDT):on a to 30 z129 engine how does the middle main bearing cap go on is it tab to tab or oppisat
charlotte wiggins wrote on Monday, November 30, 2009 (PST):my brother has a massey ferguson tractor diesel,mf135, year 1966 good shape would like to know what its worth thanks
Bill wrote on Saturday, March 28, 2009 (PDT):wiring probs.can jump start 35 ferguson with one cable, hot battery to starter.If key is off will not start. replaced pushbutton start switch, still nothing. One wire from push button goes to ground,other to so;enoid. Is this correct.
ken nelson wrote on Saturday, April 12, 2008 (PDT):I own a fergusen F40 loking for a grill and the corect paint color codeand where to buy thanks ken nelson 715 349-8070
Alexbny wrote on Friday, October 26, 2007 (PDT):writers from penna prime time south west airline earn money for playing with children in bridgewater va barrett real estate comparison contrast frederrick douglas and rousseassu music genre btbam quizzes halifax nova scotia hotels
elmer kaiser wrote on Friday, October 26, 2007 (PDT):Looking for a Ferguson trip bucket loader to put on a TO 35 Ferguson. Located in Wisconsin.
james c ligon wrote on Thursday, March 15, 2007 (PST):Hello, My brother gave me a massey ferguson 35 gas. The block and piston sleeve are cracked. I need a engine or a block. Does anyone know how to locate this. Thanks Jim phone 15013621840
Ben Austic wrote on Wednesday, March 07, 2007 (PST):I have a 1956 TO-35 grey sheetmetal w/green undercarriage . I would like to purchase decals for the hood and original headlights. All decals that I have found for sale are red. If you have or know of any green decals, please contact me. I am also interested in purchasing any Ferguson attachments in any condition. Thanks!
houston wrote on Thursday, July 27, 2006 (PDT):need seal and o ring numbers for to35 that are good or good cross ref. numbers for pto shaft
Herbert Merkel wrote on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 (PDT): Have a 1953 TO 35 and am looking for orginal switch. Have restored it with orginal lights. but need switch - with lights ignition- both lights- lights and ignition all in one
Jim wrote on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 (PDT):I have 1955 TO 35 I inherited. needs paint badly. has been bush painted gray. I know sheet metal should be grey and rest dark green, but would like to find picture of correct paint scheme. Any idea of location for one. have not had much luck looking on the net.
Paul Olson wrote on Friday, July 07, 2006 (PDT):I live in MN. I am interested in purchasing a TO-35 with a loader at a reasonable price. What is important to me is that it is mechanically sound. I can putz with the metal and paint myself. Anyone out there have one like this for sale?
b ramgoolam wrote on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 (PDT):have an old tractor. do not know make nor model. ho can the numbers on engine block and tractor body help to identify. thanks. bishnu.
Tim wrote on Friday, June 09, 2006 (PDT):I have a TEA20 but don't know what year or motor size. It has Massey Hassis Ferguson on it's serial # tag. TEA423083 ENG.# C86767FVR. It also said's Inported to Toronto Canada.Any info would be helpful
Lindsay wrote on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 (PDT):I have recently purchased a Ford Ferguson-35 TO-35 model and the serial number is 153725. Could anyone help me find out what year it is. We got it up and running last night and it runs perfectly. (My husband and I were test driving it around the yard ;)) We would like to do some minor touch ups, then put it up for sale. Any idea how much we could ask for it??
Bo wrote on Monday, June 05, 2006 (PDT):I just purchased a TO-35 that had belonged to my grandfather years ago. Its in pretty rough shape with a broken crank. Any help on wherabouts of parts for restoration would be appriciated.
Bo wrote on Monday, June 05, 2006 (PDT):I just purchased a TO-35 that had belonged to my grandfather years ago. Its in pretty rough shape with a broken crank. Any help on wherabouts of parts for restoration would be appriciated.
Michelle wrote on Monday, January 23, 2006 (PST):Massey Ferguson 35x ~ What is the gap supposed to be set for the points and spark plugs ?
garry wrote on Monday, January 16, 2006 (PST):In 1958 June my Grandfather purchased a new to35, a#3mf baler, a3furrow 3pt hitch plow and mower all of which came from a dealer in fitzroy harbor Ontario Canada. The tractor Serial# was 1700035 and the implements were shipped there from King St Toronto Ont.The dealer G poole Equip delivered and set up by installing lights on the tractor and doing a demonstration with the mower and baler as it was haying season. I remember being perty excited as I was about 10 years old at the time. It was kind of humourous watching my grandfather make the first round in the field as he always was used to driving horses, the dealer thought that he might take the clutch out of the tractor before he got around the field Hah. Well he did make it and we did a lot of work with it until 1981 when we sold the farm, My sister bought the tractor at the sale and took the tractor to cumbermere ont where they used it a number of years before they sold it to a garage If i new where it had goneto I would buy it again A really good tractor
gary wrote on Friday, December 23, 2005 (PST):As a kid I turned my first furrow with a 35 Fergi. I just saw it sell at action pretty bad shape for 1200. The special was a two stage clutch. Halfway stopped tractor the rest of the way stopped pto. It was one of the first life power tractors. Fergi did not join Massey till 1959. a 57 35 fergi should be grey with a dark green frame.
Joe Stabler wrote on Thursday, December 22, 2005 (PST):I just purchased a Massey Ferguson Model TO35 Serial # sgm 191072. Can someone tell me what year the tractor is? And what is the dirfference between a Model 35 and Model TO35. I have always been a Farmall Fan and this is my first MF Thanks.
Svetislav wrote on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 (PST):Please information for tractors ferguson No. VNF 13617. Thank You !
Gerald Price wrote on Sunday, November 27, 2005 (PST):I have a 3 bottom Ferguson Plow Model A14 for sale, it is in good shape with all the colters. I would like $495.00 Canadian Funds
Ray Mitchell wrote on Sunday, July 10, 2005 (PDT):Hi, I have recently bought a Massey-Ferguson 35 and would like to identify the model. Could someone advise where to look for numbers and which numbers would be relevant? I am in the process of refurbishing it so I can use it for getting firewood etc. It has been used for launching a boat in salt-water and consequently has considerable rust in the wheel rims, guards and lower components generally but runs very well, no smoke or knocks. I would appreciate any help I can get to identify the model.
dumass wrote on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 (PDT):i dont care
dumass wrote on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 (PDT):i dont care
dumass wrote on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 (PDT):i dont care
dumass wrote on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 (PDT):i dont care
Bob Read wrote on Monday, May 23, 2005 (PDT):I need a new or newer dash for a 1955 TO-35. Any suggestions for a supplier? Thanks.
Joe Truchard wrote on Saturday, February 19, 2005 (PST):I have what I was told was a TO-35 Ferguson. I have no serial plate. The fan has the long fan shaft like the MF-35. What's the score here?
William Rogers wrote on Sunday, January 16, 2005 (PST):I am looking for a set of front wheel weights for 1955 TO-35 Ferguson tractor. If anyone can give me any info on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
John Minzak wrote on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 (PST):HELP. I want to restore my Dad's TO-35. Hav'nt a clue as to where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gregg McCann wrote on Friday, July 09, 2004 (PDT):I recently obtained an Ferguson tractor from my 99 year old uncle. Who died in house fire. I need help in identifing it Iwould like to restore it. It had been sitting for 8 years. Ihave it running now it sounds good no smoke.Under the seat on the case there is a # 11-o2-49. On the left side arond rear end housing there are two rivited plates onehas the #112349 the other TO4024 It has a red hood origanal i believe. can anyone help me with these #
John N S wrote on Sunday, June 06, 2004 (PDT):HI. I just switched my to-35 to 12 volt. I did this since it started running really rough. I couldn't get enough voltage to keep it turning over to start it.. Now i have it switched. It sounds really rough and keeps backfiring.. any help would be apprecitated. JOhn
Rory W wrote on Saturday, June 05, 2004 (PDT):on the hunt for brake replacements to my MF 35, any sites or recommendations appreciated. (also looking for new set of wings, foot plates and front end loader, Many thanks
Wade wrote on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 (PDT):I need a TO 30 engine that can be rebuilt or tractor that can be restored prefer AL, MS, or LA States. Also tractor parts inc. web site has manuals for engine specs, all details that is needed to restore these engines and tractors
STEVE wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2004 (PST):LOOKING FOR AN ORIGINAL HAND CRANK FOR A TO-35
tim burke wrote on Sunday, November 23, 2003 (PST):does anyone happen to know the jet settings for a 54 ferguson tea,possibly timing.any help greatly appreciated. thanks
Richie Wright wrote on Friday, November 14, 2003 (PST):I currently own a to 35 fergie am placing it on the market to be sold. I have rebuilt the engine complete,rods & main bearings ,pistons, sleeves valves guides and seals , Transmission has new sliders ,input bearings replacedand out put bearings replaced , quadrant needs some minor adjustments .Overall is a sweet little tractor needs paint , no rust $3300.00 e-me lorit43 at
Dave Hoff wrote on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 (PST):Anyone familiar with the Ferg. 40. Originally cream colored, it had MHF markings on castings and was repainted MF red & bronze. (I assume it made about the time of marriage with Massey. Served me well and recently sold it at auction.
Glen M wrote on Thursday, October 09, 2003 (PDT):Just bought MF135 believe its a 1964,I like to know the type and amount of oil to use,with filtor replacement
Jason Armor wrote on Monday, June 30, 2003 (PDT):I recently had the above tractor motor rebuilt. The shop had to order the parts by the size of the pistons because they could not come up with anything on a TO-35118.
Jason Armor wrote on Monday, June 30, 2003 (PDT):According to the dash plate on my tractor, it says it is a TO-35118. Everyone I talk to says they have never heard of such. Can you tell me a little more about this model?
jan greenquist wrote on Saturday, May 31, 2003 (PDT):I'm trying to fix my neighbor's Ferguson TO 35. It runs fine until it gets hot (not over heating) and then misses and has no power. It has a mower on the back. I've never worked on a tractor before. We've replaced the coil,points,condenser,spark plugs , and high tension wires. Everyone here seems to think it's the coil, but i've replaced that twice with no improvement. I would appreciate any help I can get. thanks, jan P.S. compression is about 130# in all cylinders. what should the points gap be? How do I find the ignition timing mark? And what are the carb adjustments? Also what,s the spark plug gap?
landon a laub wrote on Friday, May 23, 2003 (PDT):I have a 1955 TO-35 that my father bought new. It has 3,200 and some odd original hours on it. He also bought the 3-bottom plow and the cultivators. The cultivators came with the T0-20 that I have that he also bought new. I even have the original wheel weights for the TO-35. He used it as his main tractor back then to farm 92 acres. The TO-20 is siezed up and has been outside most all of it's life. The TO-35 is still working but right now I need a radiator and the generator rebuilt. I also have the manure loader. They sure are and were great tractors. I am 51 years old now and my TO-20 was the first vehicle my dad taught me to drive(steer)while he and my uncle picked up hay bales to load to wagon in the hayfields...... Just thought I'd share a bit of my early life with you others Ferguson lovers.
Eric Bosley wrote on Monday, May 19, 2003 (PDT):I am in the auction business and have a Ferguson model TC 35 in an upcoming auction. Not being familiar with this tractor I was wondering what would be a reasonable price to expect for it. The serial # is 141127.
Bob Forster wrote on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 (PDT):I am in the deep end, I bought a small piece of land to farm on when I retire. I have just bought a FERGUSON which some people tell me in R.S.A. it is called a "vaaljappie" this nick name was given for its grey colour. I understand it is a Ferguson TED. But a nothere person said it has been combined with a TED rear axel and a MF-35-VO engine. The VO I understand means petrol & power parrafin mix. I am looking for a manual, I would really like to bring this old tractor to life.
ray west wrote on Friday, September 27, 2002 (PDT):I'm looking for a loader to fit a Ferguson 35 Deluxe tractor.1958-9. TO-35 on dash tag. Would like a hydraulic loader as opposed to a 3 point hitch one. can anyone help? Thanks
Bryan McComas wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 (PDT):All I know for sure is, my tractor is a Harry ferguson. The only thing I can find that looks like a model # is, GER No To-40827 is that it and if so what model is it? I would appreciate it if someone could help me out, Thanks, Bryan
John Kuepfer wrote on Monday, September 16, 2002 (PDT):I own a 1955 Massey Harris Ferguson TO-35 Deluxe in excellent running condition that has been in my family since the early 70's It has a heavy-duty custom Reist Welding (Elmira, Ontario) loader which I intend to sell if anyone is interested. The loader has an auxilliary pump that runs off the front end. My question has to do with the colour of the tractor, which is red and silver/grey. The tractor was purchased originally from a local Massey dealer whose decal is still on it and has not been painted by the subsequent owners. Where the paint is worn a bit I can spot the dark green on the chassis. Were any of the tractors from the Racine, Wisconsin, plant repainted in MF colours before they were sold by dealers in southwestern Ontario? Any thoughts?? I am also looking for a tail light since mine got lost somewhere over the years. Thanks.
claud newcomb wrote on Tuesday, August 13, 2002 (PDT):I have a 1958 TO 35 special,and I am looking for decals and emblems for it. Does anyone know where I can find them? Thankyou for your help!
Bill Hester wrote on Friday, July 26, 2002 (PDT):I have a 1955 TO35 Deluxe.It has been painted red and gray. I can see signs of the original green. After reading through these coments I saw the gray as NAPA gray 99L3740. Does anyone know A good match for the green?
Richard Nix wrote on Wednesday, July 24, 2002 (PDT):I'm looking for a FE 35 copper belly around 1956 or 57 model gas burner must be in good shape. Thank you for your help.
Stephan Neef wrote on Friday, July 05, 2002 (PDT):I have a FE 35 from 1962, still in good condition and in use for minor jobs around our horse keeping hobby. Is anybody interested in that machine ? I am considering to sell it.
Robert Cottrell wrote on Saturday, June 29, 2002 (PDT):There are some people i have met in conneticut that have a old tractor parts junkyard and they can get parts and manuals for most of the Furguson line of tractors . I own a Fergy that was baught 4 yrs ago which was in a fire , many partsto replace but found them at this WEB SITE; 8 goshen rd Bozrah.Conn 06344 Tel (1-860-889-0051 ) i hope this will be of help to those who need parts , they carry many parts for many vintage tractors.
Tom Gillespie wrote on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 (PDT):I have a Ferguson with a serial# TO-120324 and a casting on the steering pillar of TO 3550-A and the engine is a Z129. Does anyone know what I have? Is it a TO 35 or a TO 30?
gene wrote on Sunday, May 19, 2002 (PDT):when did ferguson make the 35 diesel and the gas version and what is the difference between the to 35 and the regular ferguson
DON Flanders wrote on Sunday, May 12, 2002 (PDT):Sorry, correction to the above. The cowling required is located below the front grill of a Ferguson T0 35. Looking for orginal owners manual, parts and service books for the same tractor. Thanks Don
DON Flanders wrote on Sunday, May 12, 2002 (PDT):Sorry, correction to the above. The cowling required is located below the front grill of a Ferguson T0 35. Looking for orginal owners manual, parts and service books for the same tractor. Thanks Don
Don Flanders wrote on Sunday, May 12, 2002 (PDT):Looking for the cowling below the rad for Ferguson T0 35 as well as the manual, parts and service books. Thanks Don
Sid Kingma wrote on Friday, May 10, 2002 (PDT):I am looking for the first gear for a to 35. Also the side emblems. thanks Sid
Gideon Yakubovitch wrote on Thursday, April 04, 2002 (PST):I need for my M.Ferguson 35 1960 or 1961 model, made in US the two decals that come in the two sides of the hood, I also need the badge (emblem)for it, can somebody help me in this and/or direct me as to where I can achieve it? thank you in advance, my e mail is; gideonyz at
Gideon Yakubovitch wrote on Saturday, January 19, 2002 (PST):The hood of my Ferguson 35 is in a very bad shape, in fact there's not use to repair it, does anybody know if or where can I find a good one?
Gene wrote on Tuesday, October 09, 2001 (PDT):I have a 55 TO35 #S158737. It has a single stage clutch like on the "Special" But the console has the steering wheel and all the instruments (tack,oil, amp,temp)like described on the "Deluxe" Which one is it? Also the hood has places for four metal nameplates. One on the nose, two "Ferguson-35" to each side and one on the right side that I don't know what it is. Can you help? After peeling off many different layers of color paint. The last colors were light gray(like Ford gray from "TSC") and dark green on the chassis under the pedals and hyd. lift arms.
Michael wrote on Monday, September 17, 2001 (PDT):I have a ferguson FE 35 I think. It has sat for some years and now im getting it going again and i will restore it.
Bowser wrote on Saturday, September 01, 2001 (PDT):Could someone please tell me what the torque in foot pounds for the flywheel nuts and pressure plate bolts?.Thanks
Doug wrote on Saturday, July 28, 2001 (PDT):I just bought a 1950 TO30 which appears to be in good shape. I want to restore it but can't seem to find any pictures that say they show the original colors. On both sides of the hood there are three holes for what I think should be two emblems. If there should be emblems is there any where I can get them? Thanks for the help I realy need it.
lester wrote on Monday, June 25, 2001 (PDT):Hi, i have an old antique tractor;it seems to me that it is a to35 with the loader and backhoe attachment. I was wondering if someone could help me as to where to find the serial no. It's a 3 cyl. perkins diesel with 3 speed transmission hi,lo. The color is yellow. thanks.
Rick Robinson wrote on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 (PDT):I have just purchased a Ferguson to 35 serial # SGM170757. Currently it is painted red and silver. As I work on it I am finding some green paint on rad and a creme colour in other places. Just wondering if anyone could help me find out what the original colour of this tractor was when built? Would appreciate any feedback or suggestions that anyone has to offer. Thanks Rick email; breric at
rebekah wrote on Sunday, April 15, 2001 (PDT):i am restoring a ferguson TEA i think 1960 and am trying to find the original colour scheme for this tractor. presently it is painted with a mid grey colour but it is imperitive i restore to orininal colour. please if you can provide a pic send to my address cheers Rebekah
art wrote on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 (PDT):I have a 1955 TO-35 with a two-stage clutch. I am looking for decals, emblems, original gage replacements, tach/hour meter, original steering wheel replacement, etc. Anyone with a list of equipment offered foe sale, please respond.
Josh Mcdaniel wrote on Saturday, March 31, 2001 (PST):I have a FE-35. But i dont know the year. I need a pic of a FE-35 to see what it actually looks like. Any info on the tractor would be appreciated
Vernon Farrand wrote on Thursday, November 23, 2000 (PST):A 35 Special has a single clutch disc, hence no live PTO. A 35 Deluxe has a dual clutch to provide live power & hydraulics.
Greg Crosby wrote on Thursday, November 16, 2000 (PST):I just bought 59 TO-35 with ford 703 loader. I'm looking for a gland nut/cap nut # 196077 for bucket cylinder(old style outside) or whole used cylinder, manuals and parts or kit to add power steering. Like to hear from anyone who can help. Bridgton,Maine
Wes wrote on Sunday, November 05, 2000 (PST):The Ferguson TO35 was built from 1954-1957 and I know the early model's were gray and green. My serial number indicates that I have a 1955 Model, possiable very late 1955.The metal work is MF Red and gray engine etc.How early did they start painting them MF Red.I cannot find any indication that it has ever been re-painted.Is it possiable that this is one of the 1956 or 1957 models? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Wes
doug floch wrote on Thursday, November 02, 2000 (PST):I have a 1955 ferguson to-35 tractor with a Davis loader on it. It was bought new by my late father. Does anyone know if there is an aftermarket power steering unit that can be added?
Kevin Parker wrote on Thursday, October 26, 2000 (PDT):I own a TO35 1959,and I need to know what was the original color or colors were.
Don wrote on Thursday, October 19, 2000 (PDT):I am looking to purchese a 1963 Massey Ferguson 35 Special. It looks to be in excellent condition everything works and runs good. The serial #SGF 238150 I believe makes it a 1963 . Any info would be helpful. What is it's value and are parts hard to find? Thanks for your help......
Gerald Vonderheide wrote on Monday, September 25, 2000 (PDT):I am looking for a 35 in good mechanical shape. Needs to be in the midwest.
Dave Fugate wrote on Thursday, September 14, 2000 (PDT):I have a 57 TO-35 And would appreciate any info available
Duane Elsberry wrote on Monday, September 04, 2000 (PDT):I have a TO35 with serial number SGMI7700I3. I am not sure if the "I" is a "1". I would like to know the orginal color names and numbers, where they are used and if there is a manual with color photos. I am needing a tach cable, generator drive and a a lower radiator cover with the crank hole. Any information would be appreciated
Fred wrote on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 (PDT):this tractor looks to be a to35 with a to20 hood
Richard Day wrote on Sunday, August 06, 2000 (PDT):I have a 1956 TO-35 Ferguson...I am wanting any information or any available place to attain info on this tractor...being parta and service manuals on both mechanics and wiring.
Gary wrote on Sunday, July 09, 2000 (PDT):I recently purchased a Ferguson TO 35 with a hydraulic loader. I'am looking for a 1 or 2 bottom pull-type plow and a drag for it. I live in WI. and have recently purchased 5 acres of land and plan to raise farm market crops once I retire from my cheese plant job.
Scott Stucky wrote on Thursday, June 22, 2000 (PDT):We had a 1957 TO-35. It was the first tractor I ever drove in the field, in 1958. It pulled a 3-16 plow with a 3-point hitch. I remember that it had a horizintal muffler under the right floorboard. It would get so hot that you had to move your foot. Eventually my father put a vertical muffler on it.
adam wrote on Thursday, May 18, 2000 (PDT):i will trade a allis chambler b for nice good tractor the b is 90% restored all needs is point but still runs perfect
Louise Savard wrote on Friday, April 28, 2000 (PDT):I need some Pictures and documentary about old Ferguson used in 1940-1950 for the writing of a paper and different tools used to work the field. Please send me yours answer. Leave names and adress for credits. Big thanks from Quebec, Canada.
Jimmy Wade wrote on Sunday, March 19, 2000 (PST):I have a 1959 model that I have just finished restoring. Needless to say, I love it. I have pictures that I plan to put on a web page shortly.
George Stepney wrote on Saturday, January 08, 2000 (PST):I have a 1958 FE35 as shown that I am cosidering selling. As new condition with twin furrow plough, used for ploughing competitions only since total rebuild.
Bill Demaree wrote on Friday, December 31, 1999 (PST):I have a Ferguson TO 35 - special. My question is what does the special stand for or mean. I cannot find anything on this and would like any info. Thank you
Wesley wrote on Tuesday, December 07, 1999 (PST):My family has been in posecion of a 1960 Massy-Ferguson TO-35 for many many years. Its in good running condition though it has a few cracks in the cowl and fenders, due to long faithful use on the family farm. It used to be gray sheetmetal over green mechanicals, but the sheetmetal was painted Ford blue when we bought a new ford brush-hog. It once had side curtains im not sure what happened to em. I do know that its headlights and taillight are not working, but all the hydraulics work and the old L-head moter is in fine running condition. Where could I possibly find a new wire harness for the lights and since the brush hog shat the bed where can I get the gray paint (we're planning on restoring it to honour my grandfather who recently passed away, god rest his soul) any and all leads will be greatly appreciated.
John E Smith wrote on Sunday, November 21, 1999 (PST):Is the Fergruson 1954 TO-35 have a serial # of TO127727 and will a 9n motor fit in it.
Jim Duncan wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 1999 (PST):To Gary Jenkins; The best match for Ferguson gray is NAPA Gray 99L3740, this should be great for the sheet metal, the balance of your tractor should be Ferguson dark green metallic. I'm not sure of the best match formula as yet, but is you care to e-mail me, I'll be happy to research it further for you.
Gary Jenkins wrote on Thursday, October 21, 1999 (PDT):I've got a '55 TO-35, that has a Massey-Harris-Ferguson serial number plate. This tractor is dark green with grey sheetmetal. Does anyone know any paint numbers or names of colors for the green and grey? I also need the front hood emblem. Thanks.
Chris Short wrote on Sunday, August 22, 1999 (PDT):I have a 1954 TEF 20, four-cylinder diesel, well-used but in basically good order. Unfortunately the hydraulics exhibit some unpleasant characteristics. It is impossible to find a 'neutral' position, the arms either go up or down. With the tractor not running, the arms creep back down, the speed with which this occurs depends on the weight of the implement and the position of the lever. I would like to fit a front end loader but most information suggests the internal pump is not really strong enough and there is also the fact that the tractor doesn't have live hydraulics, ie, dip the clutch and it all stops. I have seen some material about an external hydraulic pump, driven directly from the crank at the front of the tractor. I would appreciate any information about such a project. It is also worth mentioning that I am in Australia, so there is not quite the abundance of parts and information that many of you enjoy in the States or UK. Thanks to anyone who has the time to respond.
Daris Mounce wrote on Monday, August 16, 1999 (PDT):I think this tractor is a TO-30 but I'm not sure the serial number is TO-74893 The tag says Harry Ferguson on it. I'd love to find out the year, model, and original colors so I can paint it back original. Thanks, Daris
craigbalsley wrote on Saturday, August 07, 1999 (PDT):I am restoring an FE35 any tips would be apprieceated
Howard wrote on Tuesday, May 25, 1999 (PDT): I have found a MF35 for sell and it has a new paint job, runs good with several new parts. I noticed it smoked when I started driving it. After driving the 35 I checked the oil and the oil had a milky look. The price for this tractor was 5000.00. After seeing the oil I was alittle shacky about purchasing this tractor. Could you give me some idea what was wrong causing the oil to be like this.
Alan Gilchrist wrote on Tuesday, May 04, 1999 (PDT):HELP; I have found one of these little tractors in my barn that has been forgotten for afew years. I remember driveing the tractor when I was young. The carb. crapped out and the tractor was parked. I am trying to fix this tractor to sell it. The tractor is in good shape but has been repainted at some time. I do not know how many hours are on it but as I work on it I'm not finding much wrong. So far it is limited to the points/condenser and the needle on the carb. My questions are, #1 What are the differences in the models made? How do I tell what I have? And how much is this tractor worth? It is not in show room shape but is a solid little tactor. It would make a great mowing tractor. Would $1000 -$1500 be out of line on this?
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