Antique International / Farmall Tractor: International 560 Diesel
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This model was produced from 1958 through 1963. It was available with gasoline, propane or diesel engines. The one pictured is the diesel version. It's 6-cylinder engine rates approximately 60 horsepower capable of pulling a 5-bottom plow. It came with the Torque Amplifier system and independent PTO. Picture contributed by R.M. of Ontario. |
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Comments on this Tractor
sheila wrote on Saturday, May 11, 2013 (PDT):What site can i see online of diagrams of a 1963 560 diesel international tractor.. I need to see a blueprint like diagram of motor mounts for this tractor..
jake wrote on Monday, December 27, 2010 (PST):i have a 504 utilty and am wating to use it for tractor pullig. i know it needs a bigger motor. what is the biggiest i could put in it thanks
levant warmington wrote on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 (PDT):i have a case 560 front end loader from around 1963 not real sure of the date it does not say farmall or international anywhere on it just case 560. any ideas what it could be. it has been sitting for around 20 years it does have a downdrapht carb.
Tom Short wrote on Thursday, July 22, 2010 (PDT):I have a 460 gas that my dad bought about 10 years ago and restored. The tractor runs great and has everything original on it. My dad added a 3-point hitch to the tractor to be able to pull some additional implements but we still have the original swinging hitch. There is no better tractor for raking hay! I am looking to sell the tractor as my dad has passed away. I am in the Nashville, TN area. I can be reached at 615-972-2956 for further information.
Sean wrote on Sunday, June 06, 2010 (PDT):I have a 606 international that i am wanting to put a d282 diesel engine out of a 560. Has this ever been done or can it be done relativly easy Thanks
Joe McElwain wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010 (PDT):To the puller Ron E., the 460 I had and other people had the 60 series Farmalls. They had two piece wheels, the rim was plate steel and they had bolt on centers made of cast. Mine had bolt on weights made of cast, and for more weight the tire people would add calcium treated water to give you even more weight. Maybe people use different wheels for pulling, but they came original with the two piece as described.
Joe McElwain wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010 (PDT):I have a 1956 Farmall 560 Hi-Rise Tractor, it s in great shape and is a tractor we used for shatter cane and has a front mounted hydraulic 8 row weed wiper. We had it in storage all the time for many years. Where can I find an auction where other tall ones are sold. It needs to be sold as I o longer farm due to health It s in Blue Springs mo. Sincerely
eric wrote on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 (PDT):did you hear they are bringing back the farmall line they must have final woreout a few of the first ones now remember if you buy one you have to farmall you can
eric wrote on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 (PDT):i have a 1958 460 diesel does all the mowing raking and baling only has 1488 hrs wfe flat top fenders
Bill Wagner wrote on Monday, April 26, 2010 (PDT):When overhauling my 560 diesel I used a Dremel tool to grind a slot down the sleeve to remove it. It worked great.
Dave Quillen wrote on Friday, April 09, 2010 (PDT):The diesel 560 is a great tractor! I use this tractor daily for applying herbicide on various shrubs and flowern trees at Waynesboro Nurseries. Now in the proccess of overhauling.The dry cylinder liners are a challenge to get out.
Wendy Hlava wrote on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 (PDT):We have a 1958 460 diesel w/ a mounted Kosch mower for sale. It has been kept covered. It is in western Nebraska.
charles hardie wrote on Saturday, August 08, 2009 (PDT):I have my dad s old 560 Diesel Farmall. It needs a fuel pump that is part of the fuel injector. Does anyone have a used fuel pump The part number is 0319193.
Robert Grosfield wrote on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 (PDT):I have two 460 diesels that I would sell. Call me at 7854492500
S Ditmars wrote on Thursday, July 16, 2009 (PDT):I recently purchased a 560 diesel, would like to buy a loader. Any around What loader would be a good match Thanks
G McCabe wrote on Sunday, April 12, 2009 (PDT):Just got a 560D from my father inlaw, I used this tractor when he was farming and fell in love with it. We are now going to use it as a pull back tractor for our tractor pull sled. IU would like to get a turbo, if anyone has one let me know I would be interested in buying it. Can t beat the awesome sound of a 560D underload with a straight pipe. Thnxs
lynn smith wrote on Sunday, April 05, 2009 (PDT):i have a 560 disel with about 10000hrs on it i am a mechanic and i am restoreing it did an out of frame rebuild and was happy then the oil pan filled with disel fuel so i sent the pump out like i should already have done for rebuild after about 1 hour break in and a couple months i have an oil pan full of disel again is it my instalation or their rebuilt pump the shaft seale are really hard to get to slide in it seems like there should be a collar for this help please!
brice bowden wrote on Thursday, February 12, 2009 (PST):Hi this might sound like a dumb question but I own a 1959 propane mccormick farmall and Im kinda new at this but i really dont know what model it is so i can buy parts for it so if you could give me some info on this tractor i would greatly appriciate it...
Roland P. Nelson wrote on Monday, June 02, 2008 (PDT):I ve retreaded instead of retired. I m busy with salvaging metal from places in my area. Come across an International 560 wide front , siting unused for some time. Will be contacting the owner very soon for history etc. What s it worth for scrap parts etc. Tractor is a diesel, pto, and hydrulics. What years was this unit made. Anyone interested Will take photos etc., and gladly provide more details to you. Tractor is located on Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada. Phone 250-951-0863 - have answering machine. June 2, 2008. Rolly
Leroy Hamann wrote on Monday, May 12, 2008 (PDT):I own a 560 gas that has a bad knock on the top of the engine, my dad has a 560 diesel and needs a crankshaft and main cap anyone have any info or parts also need a TA. both of these tractors have been used hard for a lot of years and usually just keep on going but eventually you got to fix even the best.
Matt Patterson wrote on Friday, May 02, 2008 (PDT):I have a 560d and a460gas the deisel is awonderful machine but I have a hard time starting it Ive put in new glow plugs and have overhauled any suggestion The 460 my grandfather bought brand new in 1962and now Im restoring it for a hay tractor.
Randy Ross wrote on Monday, March 31, 2008 (PDT):i have a 1959 560 gas with JD loader full hydro,decent shape,runs good,rough looking- asking 3k 740 726 2451 Waldo,Ohio
jarrod gilbert wrote on Thursday, August 30, 2007 (PDT):My grandfather and I farmed 700 acres of cotton one time with two 560 s. I do not believe a person could ask for better row crop tractor. With 4-row equipment you had to stay on it.
houston wilson wrote on Sunday, July 01, 2007 (PDT):i have a 560 diesel for sale wide front end 1500
jr ellis wrote on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 (PDT):I have a farmall 350 gas. The engine is locked up. I need to find out where to get the year and serial numbers off this machine so I can rebuild it. Any other infomation you have would be helpful to.Thanks
Steve Van despiegle wrote on Monday, April 16, 2007 (PDT):my phone number is 1-204-723-2786 or email me at woolyhills at
Steve Van despiegle wrote on Monday, April 16, 2007 (PDT):I have a 560 diesel. I love everything about this tractor. It is in beautifull condition. Im selling it due to health reasons. Anyone interested.
ken jackson wrote on Wednesday, October 04, 2006 (PDT):help help 560 gas carb frost up and the thing dies(p[lease help me I need this thing to run )
Laurie Suttmeier wrote on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 (PDT):We have a 560 diesal that we have been using on our farm, we just love it. Unfortunately, my uncle just tore down the engine - the head had several cracks in it. Does anyone have any idea where we could find a replacement head? Please respond with ANY thoughts.
cliff wrote on Saturday, August 19, 2006 (PDT):dose the 460 have a three pont hitch
Jake helgeron wrote on Thursday, July 13, 2006 (PDT):HI I bought a 560 gas with a narrow front from my niehbor. It runs very good, but it has some miss match parts. I was wondering if anybodyy had some all around pictures to see what i need to get to make it original. And also i was wondering if 560's had TA's pr not. If anybody has any pics or info please email me at cutter721 at Much Thankss
derek schwarting wrote on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 (PDT):My grandpa bought a 460 diesel 10 years ago after that came a 560 diesel but my favorite is the 660 diesel my dad bought 7 years ago it runs good and i know they are a rare tractor only 6,945 of them built! most of them diesel mine is a 1960. IF ANYONE WANTS GOOD TRACTOR INFO GO TO TRACTORDATA.COM im just so proud i own the entire 60 series
Linda Wright wrote on Monday, June 05, 2006 (PDT):I am probably one of the few women who owns a 1962 Mc Cormick International Farmall 560. I bought it with a front end loader and a Graham Hayme chisel and have been repainting it and have used it some and find it more complicated than the Ford I owned when I was married. I have the original manuals. Are their other farm ladies who have tractors?
Mike wrote on Thursday, June 01, 2006 (PDT):I don't know how to give it more power but don't you think that those tires are a little big for being a stock tractor.
Adam wrote on Thursday, May 25, 2006 (PDT):I have a 560 with a gas motor and TA. I'm trying to get set up to Tractor Pull. I've got 18.4-38's and weight bars. But i want to give it more hp. what can i do??
RYAN YENGER wrote on Saturday, April 22, 2006 (PDT):Looking for a wide front end for my 560. Is there still aftermarket manufacturers making this? Prefer to buy original parts but willing to go aftermarket if needed.
jake wrote on Friday, March 31, 2006 (PST):this looks like a very nice tractor. I have one just like it. I am now working on repainting it. If you know of anyone who has a ta for a 560 for sale please let me know. Just email me at cutter721 at THANKS
David Cortez wrote on Wednesday, March 08, 2006 (PST):I need information about the head torque in lb/ft or lb/in of a IHC D282 diesel,L6 engine that comes in a 3850 loader.
Bruce Severson wrote on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 (PST):I have been looking for a mid sized tractor for some time and a freind of mine is selling me a gas 560 converted to a wide front that has a loader, bucket, bale stabber, forks for the back and blade that is hyd. adjust all for $2500. Did I get get a good deal? I am not up on this color red. My father always had massys on the farm. Bruce
Lerry Bond wrote on Friday, February 24, 2006 (PST):I just purchased a IH 560 lp and I really like it. I was wandering where to check or add hydrolic fluid for the lifting arms? Any comments or information on this great tractor is welcome. Lerry
Brian Wynn wrote on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 (PST): i have a 560D and i need a injecter puller tool , part tool no OTC HC 689. Thanks.
Brian Wynn wrote on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 (PST): i have a 560D and i need a injecter puller tool , part tool no OTC HC 689. Thanks.
Broomstacker wrote on Friday, January 27, 2006 (PST):I was hired man on a hog & cattle farm in Illinois when I was in high school. In '59, my boss bought the first 6 cylinder tractor in our township--a 560 gas narrow front. We pulled 4 16s in that black dirt! Neighbors would come around to listen! Just bought a '59 460 wide front I hope to restore.
Jack Johnson wrote on Sunday, January 15, 2006 (PST):I am looking for a pair of flat top frnders that will fit my 560
Stephen King wrote on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 (PST):I found a used PTO for my 560 - paid $250. Guaranteed to be sound. What ever that means.
Stephen King wrote on Friday, December 16, 2005 (PST):I am looking for a complete, late model pto - clutch type for my 560 - are they hard to find, or am I not looking in the right place?
Jeffrey burton wrote on Monday, December 05, 2005 (PST):I was reading the last ad about a Farmall 560D with turbo. I also have a farmall 560d and we plan to do pulling with it next year it has a Hi performance cam shaft in it and is turned up and we was thinking about put a turbo on it and I was wandreing what kind of turbo you would use and what a reasonable price to do this? I was thinking about using a Holset turbo.
560 d with turbo wrote on Friday, November 18, 2005 (PST):a buddy and me pull a 560 d with a turbo. it will put out 160 hp. it has a pulling cluch and ta. it also has 18.4 38 on the back. we care 4400 lb extera around for the 560. i also pull a 1466. i have a total of 9000 extera lb for the to tractors. in IH trust
cody wrote on Monday, September 12, 2005 (PDT):i have a farmall 560 and i love it for baling
Jeff wrote on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 (PDT):My Dad has an International 504 he bought when we moved off the farm back in 1969, but needed a tractor to still do a little maintenance around the land that he kept. It has a little over 500 hours and other than being a little dusty works and runs great. Can't say I've ever seen another one like it so I'm wondering if it has any worth. Not really interested in selling it, just curious. email me in Wisconsin at tiresrme at
jim stanford wrote on Monday, August 22, 2005 (PDT):Farmall H, 1939 (3-digit seriel number) & Farmall Super M, propane, 1956 & Farmall 560 diesel drawbar & Farmall 560 diesel 2-point quick hitch & Farmall 966, 1974. Father died & Mom wants to sell....817-832-1191 or e-mail me.
Adam wrote on Friday, August 19, 2005 (PDT):Hi im looking for a 560 for sale if anyone has of for sale for a good price please let me know. I ma located in PA
mark wrote on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 (PDT):I just bought a 1963 460 and am looking for fenders.. Can anyone help?
Aaron George wrote on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 (PDT):plese post coment to help me or send me an email; aaron_george_2 at
Aaron George wrote on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 (PDT):It is a diesel,
Aaron George wrote on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 (PDT):I live on a farm in Alberta and use a 560 for every thing. There is not much problem with it exept it is incredibly hard to turn. i have greased it and it still is hard to turn. any sugestions? it is hard to get the engine started with out eather any sugestions
Sam Finfrock wrote on Monday, May 30, 2005 (PDT):Geraldine, I purchased my 560 for $2,500.00, it is a diesel, with a wide front end. Let me know if you still have it I'm interested in it. Thank you Sam
Geraldine Martindale wrote on Saturday, May 07, 2005 (PDT):If anyone out there has any idea how much my tractor is worth, could you please e-mail me to let me know? My e-mail address is geraldinemrtdl at Thank you so very much.
Geraldine Martindale wrote on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 (PDT):I have a McCormick Farmall 560 Diesel that has 1000 hours on a rebuilt motor. My husband used it to plow our back yard and to snow blow our drive with the 7' snow blower. My husband has passed away and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how much the tractor and snow blower are worth. The tractor has a wide front end.
Steve Bontrager wrote on Sunday, May 01, 2005 (PDT):I have just puchased a 560 diesel for $100.00 does it sound like a good deal the engine is locked up tight and the clutch is stuck to the flywheel does it sound like a good deal i am starting to have second thoughts about my new toy.
Rhonda Deem wrote on Saturday, April 30, 2005 (PDT):We have a late 50's model 560 gas. My husband forgot to check the oil and it threw a rod. We have a hold in the block the size of a golf ball. Just bought a JD 2010. Should I sell the 560 or find a good used motor? If selling, what is it worth with a blown motor? Really love this tractor.
garland plumley wrote on Friday, April 22, 2005 (PDT):looking for fuel pump for b-275 diesel, can anyone help me?
hilary kieschnick wrote on Thursday, March 31, 2005 (PST):How do I replace the hydraulic pump on an IH 806 tractor?
Gary Stieve wrote on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 (PST):We are currently looking for a 560d to fix up and do a little tractor pulling. Does anyone Know were we can find one?
gary k. wrote on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 (PST):my uncle had 3 farmalls! an H, 400, and 560 gas with 2pt fast hitch. the 560 was a real workhorse on his farm. i`ll never forget the sound the 560 made when pulling the his 4bottom plow, WOW!!
J. Marshall wrote on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 (PST):I have a 560 lp. Needs some TLC. I beleive its a late 50's model with a wide front. Interested in selling, but have no ideal as to what would be good price. Call me at 501-915-8261, Arkansas.
james w moore wrote on Friday, December 24, 2004 (PST):I have a 460D 560D 660D, 560 has a 301D engine that has a 100 hp I know of a couple of 560's for sale. Call me if you have any questions about any of these about tractors.(704)422-3755 after 10;00 p.m. (I might be out driving my 560)I love it!
JohnRohlf wrote on Sunday, October 24, 2004 (PDT):I own a 1956 560d had it running a few years ago and it needed a new pump,since then I've had several people tring to buy it,if I decide to sell it I don't know what it's worth.everything is there ,family owned needs paint and tires need ideal for finding a resonal price to sell
Ken Johnston wrote on Thursday, July 15, 2004 (PDT):John Mayse; The S-Y and CC tell you the hyd pump capacity and the transmission gearing option (I can't recall which is which now). I'm sure that the serial number chart on this site will tell you the year, etc. See my posts further up. Welcome to the 560/660 world!!
JOHN MAYSE wrote on Wednesday, July 07, 2004 (PDT):Can someone please help, I have recently purchased a International 560D wide front. The people I bougt it from knew nothing about it. I have gotten every number I can find off of it to find out more information on it, and cant even seem to find out the year. The plate with the serial number says international 560 d but after the 4 digit serial number it says s-y-cc can anyone tell me anything about this. I am also looking for the wiring diagram for it. please email me with anything you know thanks.
Jim Keesler wrote on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 (PDT):Am marrying into a family with a 560 diesel that hasn't run for several years, stored in a pole barn. Am told it needs a screwdriver across the starter (solenoid) terminals, but I should be able to fix that! Unconfirmed reports of missing teeth on the flywheel--that could be a bigger problem. Looking forward to getting it running someday. (grew up on an "H" and a gas 460 in the late 50s and early 60s...) Fun finding this site!
Jason Orr wrote on Saturday, April 17, 2004 (PDT):Does anyone know the value of a 1963 International 560 Diesel with a long reach farm hand loader? Tractor is in fair to good original shape with 3000 hrs. I think I can buy for $4500.
Bruce Kelchen wrote on Friday, February 13, 2004 (PST):There is a heat riser in the manifold that should stop that. Most of them are rusted off and need to be replaced.
Joel Bartling wrote on Sunday, February 08, 2004 (PST):We have a gas 560 and in the winter the carb. freezes bad does anyone know any way to stop this.
ken Jackson wrote on Saturday, January 10, 2004 (PST):can anyone tell me the hp on a 560 gas and where I can find a 3pt for it and fenders. any ifo would be helpful have a 8n but need the 560 for the bucket and 3pt if I can find one. Thanks
Kent V. K. wrote on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 (PST):In April of 1962 when I was 6 months old my father purchased a brand new 560 Diesel. My four brothers and I spent a lot of hours on this tractor. I own it today and it has over 15,000 hours on it. 11,000 on the current engine. This tractor was the main farm tractor at the time and was used throughout the years for plowing, disking. cultivating, mowing hay, mounted pickers. You name it it has done it. It is a great machine.
J T BEARD wrote on Sunday, December 21, 2003 (PST):I OWN A 560.....I PILL IT IN THE #5500,#6500,#7500,#8500,AND SOME TIMES THE #9500.....I DO REAL GOOD WITH IT
richard zegers wrote on Sunday, December 21, 2003 (PST):loking for the history of buck tractors is it a kabota
Charles Vaughn wrote on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 (PST):Can anyone help me find the battery covers(sheet metal)for my 560 Farmall.I sure would be appreciative.Thats all I need to restore it to original.Thank You.
Kelly wrote on Monday, November 17, 2003 (PST):int.544 sitting in barn for at least 15 years.Tires are flat tractor is strait paint is fair running when parked.What is it worth and how many horsepower is it?
H.L. Pyburn wrote on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 (PST): My 560 is a wide front end LPgas tractor.I love the power and the sound of the motor.and it handles so good. I use it for every thing a tractor does on the farm.I need a battery cover for it .If any body knows how to come up with one. H.L. Pyburn
Jeff wrote on Sunday, October 26, 2003 (PST):I had a 1963 560 Diesel and I loved it, I worked it into the ground. I really relied on it and It never failed me once. I love this tractors and glad I bought one. I would love to own one again!
michael wrote on Monday, July 07, 2003 (PDT):i am currently looking at a 560D that belongs to my neighbor. he says he will take 1000 dollars cash. the side skirts below the hood are missing and the skin that covers the fuel tank. Also it is missing the fenders, if it ever had fenders. it needs an injector pump and he says it uses a lot of oil .... has very good like new rubber on it. but everything else in in good working order. he recently pulled the injector pump to put on another tractor he has. Can some tell me about where to find sheet metal for it and about the fenders. Someone tell me it this is or not a good buy. Really want to hear it run. I have 3 A model JD's. my uncle had an H farmall and my brother had a M farmall. Other than that i know very little about a 506 IH.
Carlos Ratliff wrote on Thursday, May 22, 2003 (PDT):I need the two slide in peices for the three point hitch for a 560 farmall so i can hook my mower and plow up. I have all the top link parts but not the slide ind peices for the pins to go through, if any one has any extras or know where i might find them please e-mail me at curley1019 at Thanks Curley
Tim Wiseman wrote on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 (PDT):Just bought a 560D I haven't found anything yet it won't pull. Has the wide frontend and will turn on a dime.
xfarmer wrote on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 (PDT):The 460 gas used a 221ci the 460 diesel used a 236ci engine the 560 diesel used a 282ci and the 560 gas engine used a 263ci engine
Buck Yankenson wrote on Friday, March 28, 2003 (PST):How many cubic inches are the motors in the 406 and 560?
806 man wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2003 (PST):I have a 560 gas. My uncal and I put a sicsl mower on the 2 point. It sure runs graet. I have a frend the at has a 560d he pulled it for his first time when he was 16. He pulled it in 3 gear and had the torquc back. Just abuot killer it off. Only ih in the class and won. It is used for pulling, agering, moving box it land scrapers out of the shop mag buy raveling inc of melven ia. And most 560's in my area wount run a silige blower but his is turnd up so far it will. He drovet around the night befor the pull and to some 4-H medings. SO GO 560 PEOPLE.
806 man wrote on Thursday, March 20, 2003 (PST):I have a 560 gas. My uncal and I put a sicsl mower on the 2 point. It sure runs graet. I have a frend the at has a 560d he pulled it for his first time when he was 16. He pulled it in 3 gear and had the torquc back. Just abuot killer it off. Only ih in the class and won. It is used for pulling, agering, moving box it land scrapers out of the shop mag buy raveling inc of melven ia. And most 560's in my area wount run a silige blower but his is turnd up so far it will. He drovet around the night befor the pull and to some f-4 medings. SO GO 560 PEOPLE.
Justin Kubesh wrote on Sunday, March 16, 2003 (PST):I have a International 560. It is gas and it has a farm hand loader on it.
Etano wrote on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 (PST):I just found out that our 560 Farmall used to have a turbo and it was kicken out a 100+HP!! The 560 was tested for HP at the time. A few years ago, pulling a 4 Bottom, she broke her axle. Now its fix and running like a charm!!
Mitchell Rolfe wrote on Sunday, March 02, 2003 (PST):I have just purchased a 560L.P., Runs strong and is a 1961 6cyl. Anyone having specs or information please feel free to write. Former A/C 190 fan.
Etano wrote on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 (PST):We have a 560 diesel Tractor. That tractor can get up and pull! The tractor sounds like a beast going down the high-way.
John Strang wrote on Friday, February 07, 2003 (PST):I just recently A 1960 Farmall 560d from my uncle. My grandfather baught it new in 1959 and it has alot of sentimental value to me. All I can say is what a great tractor! Pound for pound theres nothing like it! And man does it sound good when it is pulling hard!wow!!
jason wrote on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 (PST):just a hint for anyone wishing to buy a 460/ 560 international used the rear ends from the 450's/ super mta's and had problems with them. the tractors were recalled and stamped with a triangle on the serial number plate. look for this it might solve problems later if you intend to use the tractor heavily
Mike Sloane wrote on Friday, January 10, 2003 (PST):I am looking at a Farmall 860 diesel with NF and Fast Hitch. The dealer says the tractor is good but the TA "slips". I thought the TA either works or it doesn't. The price is right, but I wonder what I am in for. Mike
Dale Coleman wrote on Friday, January 10, 2003 (PST):can anyone tell me where to put the hydrolic fluid in my 560 farmall tractor.
Gary W. Taylor wrote on Saturday, January 04, 2003 (PST):The tractor in the picture is a Farmall 560 not an International. The International versions were the Standard Models. Some called them Wheatland Models. For the gentleman having trouble starting the gas model try a hotter plug. This also will help when gining around. Also pull the choke clear out, give it about a third throttle then crank it. Use a colder plug when plowing etc. For the gentleman's question about 3-16. It's more a matter of the soil type. I had a cousin who farmed north of Washington C.H., OH on US62 and all He'd use was gas tractors and even had an 8-6 gas. The dirt was black and tough and all the 560 gas could pull was 3-14. IH company sent out people/engineers. The finally came to the conclusion after a series of tests it was just plain old tough dirt. Some people just a little North of him were using John Deere 4010 Diesel's and all they could do was 4-14. Hope this helps some.
IH man wrote on Friday, December 20, 2002 (PST):My dad and his brother have a 560 and 460.I think they are very nice but could us some more leg room.The 560 is on a corn picker and is left on it all the time. The 460 is on the green choper most of the time. They are both very good tracters.
Todd Frampton wrote on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 (PST):Own a 1962 farmall 504D. Need the two sheet metal side skirts (one each side) that mount below the hood. Please respond if have or know where can be purchased. Thank You.
Dave Field wrote on Sunday, November 03, 2002 (PST):I'm hopeing some of you might be able to help me, I just bought a home on 15.33 acres here in Michigan, the place came with many ammenities,but one of the best is a I.H. Farmall 560 diesel tractor with a two bottom plow and a disc, right now I'm waiting to close on the deal. Now my Gandpa had Farmalls as far back as I can remember,his favorite was his old model H but, this 560 is a completely different beast all together, I'd like to find out everything I can about this old girl, as she and I came to be, back in Feburary of 1961( according to the plate I found on her).Everything seems to be in working order on her but, I have no idea of maintence schedules to keep her this way. perhaps someone could let me know where I could find any literature, (i.e. manuals)and perhaps you might know of what other attachments can be found for her. Grandpa's old model H has long since been sold, after his death, and he'ld be proud to know that at least one of his kin still remembers him on his tractor and, the pride he showed in her ownership( the fact is, he had to put a heat lamp on her block the night before he would use her to get her to start the next morning, she was that tired)He loved that old tractor and they both worked the fields together till one of them parted, One day, I hope my Granddaughter will remember driving Grandpa's (my)old tractor too.
kenny wrote on Saturday, October 26, 2002 (PDT):Hey. there is a farmer up my road and he is selling a 560 turbo D farmall tractor. But it has a cracked gernal. the farmer wants 1500. Is the time and parts worth the overall price for the tractor. please email back
Lloyd Powell wrote on Saturday, October 19, 2002 (PDT):I have just been offered a late model 560d, wide front, 2 pt hitch, 2 new rear tires, said to be in great shape 'cept for being weathered, $3000.00. I have a small ranch and will be using to work hay, I have a new holland 7 ft disc mower and am wondering if the hyd will pick up the blade. Is it expensive to put on a 3 pt conversion? I have a 53 super M with a 3 pt conversion a great tractor but the hyd is not strong enough. Is the proce to much for the 560? pls let me hear from some of you with 560d. muleskinner at thanks
Gary wrote on Thursday, October 17, 2002 (PDT):Have 560D wide front orchard tractor what would one in great shape be worth ?
Joe wrote on Monday, October 14, 2002 (PDT):I have just bought a 560 D and plan on pulling it in western Pa.If anyone knows a good motor man some one who can really make it run please let me know
Keith wrote on Saturday, September 14, 2002 (PDT):I have a 560D WF, Love it to death, lot of work to restore but engine is solid and has that great sound.
Cowlitz Tractor wrote on Friday, September 13, 2002 (PDT):Just came across and whole pot of Farmalls! Various states, one looks like a 560, Was repainted, and had new gas(reman'd) then the guy died, stored 4 years, under cover thank GOD!, The widow want's to unload all of the parts that might be of value for someone... she has 2 H's, a super M, B,,, Those are just rear ends, maybe some trannies. If any interest is out there I'll break them down and see if they're worth the shipping, Will email digital pix. Paula
Jim wrote on Saturday, September 07, 2002 (PDT):One of a kind 560D. 80HP w/ M&W turbo, new 16.9X38 Firestone ALL-Traction, bolt-on axle duals, 3 pt. fast hitch, 2 remotes, weights. Set up for 30' row spacing. This tractor doesn't fool around, pulls 7 shank chisel, field cult. w/ rolling baskets, 5-16's, or you can buy it and just play around and look at it like it's a 69 Chevy SS or something.
Randy wrote on Thursday, August 22, 2002 (PDT):I have a 1963 560d for sale nf,decent sheetmetal new starter and brakes and seat and batteries and steering wheel solid runner too many projects no fast hitch or 3 point has pto and standard hitch 3150.0 obo
Rick wrote on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 (PDT):I have a 560 Farmall wide front, gas, runs strong burns no oil. Power steering,TA works great. Great sheetmetal, good rubber,fair paint. Has quick hitch with lift arms and three point hookup, IH 5'blade,quick attach carryall,quick attach drawbar. needs starter,will pull start. 3900 for all. 40 miles south of Branson Mo.(870)420-3324 rbright at
D. M. McPherson wrote on Monday, July 22, 2002 (PDT):What would a 460 Deisel with narrow front end; TA; fast hitch and 70 percent tires be worth. Tractor is in very good condition but the paint is faided. DMcAceNE at
jason sass wrote on Sunday, June 23, 2002 (PDT):we used to have 2 560 diesels. one of them had a M&W turbo on it. the other one we still have.our 560 turbo was the most cold blooded thing that ever lived. it was a miricale if it started in the middle of july. that tractor could pull anything. it could keep up to a 856 diesel. the other 560 diesel we still have. it run excellent with only 3610 original hours on it.
IowaBoy wrote on Friday, June 07, 2002 (PDT):Under the dash there are three plates fastened on. Behind the left plate are tooth edged gears that raise and lower the drawbar. The top gear has a chipped tooth. Let me know if you have a part like this. What is the value for a Farmall 560 Propane, that we still use in the fields? For baling and cultivating.
rex m wrote on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 (PDT):jon green, I have a 560 LP rears tires 80%, new brakes, valves redone last year.. How much green are you willing to part with? Rex M.
jo wrote on Thursday, May 30, 2002 (PDT):looking for information on 656 diesel mccormick farmall 2000.
jon green wrote on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 (PDT):want to buy a 560 with a turbo
jason wrote on Friday, April 19, 2002 (PDT):plugged in the block heater on grandpa's 560D and then rolled her over and she took of on just barely a half turn and it hasn't been started all winter
Vincent Wattson wrote on Friday, March 29, 2002 (PST):I have a "59" Gas Farmall, which I bought recently. I was warned they were cold blooded, and would flood easily. This seems to be the case, at least on this one. New points, condensor, am replacing cap, rotor, and wires. Cleaned up all the connections under the insturment cowling. Got spark to plugs, but no go on starting. It was suggested to widen out the plug gap to .030 vs. manual gap of .020. Someone else suggested putting on an electonic igintion conversion kit. Do they make them, for this tractor, and where can I order one. If not what about going to a differant coil to get more spark? Any other suggestions?
Dave Glover wrote on Thursday, March 28, 2002 (PST):For the above comments I forgot to add my phone number 705-924-2064
dave glover, ont. wrote on Thursday, March 28, 2002 (PST):i currently own a 560 diesel and a 460 them both but decided to let the 460's totally restored an looks awsume,but then this series is the best looking tractors ever built.ihave both narrow and wide front axles available. these tractors are great contendors in the pulling circles!
Nick wrote on Monday, March 25, 2002 (PST):M grandfather has a 560 gas,and boy do i love the sound it makes going up a hill with gravity wagons with a straight pipe on it!
Willie wrote on Saturday, March 23, 2002 (PST):I saw a farmall lp gas tractor for sale for $2200.00 with a blade, three point hitch, pto power steering, hydraulic line connections for a loader I suppose. My question is. Is it a good deal being it is a lp gas engine? I don't know much about tractors but it looks good. Another problem is I think it is a 565 or 665 but have never heard anyone talk about those numbers, Ive looked it up on another web sites and have come out empty. Would anyone know how many hp it is and what year? Thanks.
jason schott wrote on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 (PST):what would be a fair price for a fasthitch for a 450?
jason schott wrote on Wednesday, February 27, 2002 (PST):The 560 was a good tractor in its day and always will be just hitch it up to whatever you need to pull and it will pull it with plenty of power. Leting the clutch out you can just feel the power behind the diesel engine. My grandpa uses our 560D to water a 14 acre corn field next to the Platte river and I don't think anything will pump water with less efficency never burns a drop of oil and its never been touched besides a new tach.
Rick Jackson wrote on Saturday, February 23, 2002 (PST):I've got a 560 deisel and someday I would like to restore it. But for now I just use it to plow my garden. The problem is when I start I have to use starting fluid everytime. Does anybody know why? HELP.
scout wrote on Saturday, February 16, 2002 (PST):looking for a 560 D 02-14-02
Nancy Bradley wrote on Thursday, November 08, 2001 (PST):I have a customer at the public library where I work, he is looking for a wiring diagram for a 560 Farmall Diesel, made in early 1960's. If anyone would contact me to assist me in locating the wiring diagram I would appreciate it. Thanks. My fax and phone number is 417-345-2647. or by e-mail.
Brent wrote on Monday, November 05, 2001 (PST):I own a Farmall 560 Diesel and it is the tractor that I have ever tractor pulled with and the sound of the engine is even better.
Gabe Anderson wrote on Friday, October 12, 2001 (PDT):I just wanted to say that it's nice to read about other 460,560 fans. I belong to a antique engine club. I did have an old JD but I,ve started collecting red. I'm starting with my grandfathers 460. Ever since I was a kid every body bought me JD stuff. But grandpa was IH all the way,so thats how I got to be "RED BLOODED".I always told grandpa that I was going to fix up the 460 someday,I just wish I would've done it before he passed on. But it's nice to be able to share my love for red with other "RED BLOODED" folks. I LOVE YOUR SITE, I'M COMING BACK.
John A wrote on Monday, September 03, 2001 (PDT):Rick, If the overall condition and price of this tractor is agreeable to you. There should not be a problem with useing a tractor of this size to mow pastures. First you have more than enough Hp to turn a 6ft or larger shredder.Second you are up higher from the work, less dust& dirt to eat. Less rocks to whiz-z-z past your ears. Three better visibility to the terrain you are on. Depending on how the wheels on this tractor are set,they can be set-out for a wider stance. I know for I use a Farmall 966 for pasture shredding I have never had any prablems.My wheels are cupped out - and set for 40 in. rows My pastures are flat to rolling. I also have a lot of experence on tractors. You didn't say if you are an experenced with farm equipment are not. Basicly in my opinion there is'nt anything a small tractor can do that a larger tractor can't do better, providing the work application is equal. Also larger Hp tractors can be bought a lot of the time for less $$$. Hopes this helps!!!
Rick wrote on Sunday, September 02, 2001 (PDT): I am looking for information or comments on a 560 wide front end with the gas engine. I have found one I can buy for 3500 dollars. I need something to put a 6'Bush Hog on and clip pastures. It appears to be in good running condition, but looks a little tall. Any comments?
Larry wrote on Friday, August 31, 2001 (PDT):I am looking for information on my 706D with a 282 in converting it to a 301 diesel as a 715 combine motor has.The 301 does not have sleeves. Will it work to change pistons and pull the sleeves out of the 282 or do I have to change blocks? Does any have any information on these two blocks?
Barry Beaupre wrote on Monday, August 20, 2001 (PDT):I have recently rebuilt and restored the 560D that I grew up farming with. I was wondering if anyone could help in locating a set of original fenders for the tractor. I have restored everything else to 100% original. I will post a picture when the decals are all put on.
Brandon wrote on Friday, August 17, 2001 (PDT):I own a farmall 560 and recently got it painted and going to post a picture of it on this site. It's a BUETY!!!
KEVIN KIRKLAND wrote on Monday, July 30, 2001 (PDT):info on putting a turbo on a much,what do i all need,do i need to change my timing on my fuel pump?
Ken Myers wrote on Thursday, July 19, 2001 (PDT):We used 560's for years. The non-blower one pulled 4 bottoms as fast as you wanted, and the blower one would do it with the plow buried. We could have easily pulled 5, but to small a gain for the wear and tear. Far and away the best pound for pound tractor ever built.
Rocky Allen wrote on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 (PDT):Actually the 560 will pull a 5 bottom plow depending on ground conditions but let me assure you that it will walk off with a 3 bottom plow in 4th gear high range no problem at all.
Brandon Bowe wrote on Sunday, June 10, 2001 (PDT):Why don't the 560 pull a 3 bottom plow (3-16). Tell me why
joe wrote on Sunday, June 03, 2001 (PDT):I Have a Farmall with #26815 s-z diesel help
Jeff Slowiak wrote on Monday, May 21, 2001 (PDT): I have driven many 560s in the past few years while working for my neighbors. We pulled 20' chopper boxes no problem. 560s will out pull any piece of junk John Deere any day
Chad Hicks wrote on Friday, May 18, 2001 (PDT):I am rebuiding the 560 diesel tractor with Rick Lahmers and let me tell you when you need to do something that tractor never lets you down.
Chad Hicks wrote on Friday, May 18, 2001 (PDT):I am rebuiding the 560 diesel tractor with Rick Lahmers and let me tell you when you need to do something that tractor never lets you down.
Rick Lahmers wrote on Thursday, May 17, 2001 (PDT):On our farm we have 3 Farmall 560-Diesels and i am currently rebuilding one and i have it tuned to 80 horses with no turbo and it has duals on it and can all ready pull a 14 foot disk when it only has 65 horse.The Farmall 560 is the best row crop tractor ever
Darres Nelson wrote on Saturday, May 12, 2001 (PDT):I'm 16. I farm with my dad and grandpa (when I'm not in school) We have a 560 diesel. WOW!!! I never knew it could pull like it does. It has a turbo and purrs like it's brand new. Only it has over 17,000 hours. First cluch, second torque and lots of different tires. I think our 560 would easily out pull a 4010.
PUTTS wrote on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 (PDT):I pull a 656D narrow front. I don't farm any more and don't have a good use for it anymore. It sounds awesome with a 4 inch exhaust pipe on it. I usually pull against 560's and come to find that the 560D balances perfectly with a wide front to out pull me every time, even though I'm cranking out more RPM's and hpower. I'm thinking of purchasing a 560 to give those Deere's that beat me a run for their money.
Bil Meismer wrote on Monday, April 16, 2001 (PDT):I just bought my dads 560 and need a set of fenders for it so I can restore it also would like to know if anyone knows how much and how much work is it to replace the TA thanks
Todd Frampton wrote on Thursday, March 29, 2001 (PST):About the 560 D282 engine. A few years ago I purchased a 1962 Farmall 504 with TA and D188 engine. Ran great. Brother did light farm work with it. Engine trouble. Put on trailer and hauled home. Found #1 cylinder sleeve in pieces in oil pan. Removed cyl head. #3 sleeve showed visible crack. Replaced all sleeves and pistons with sealed power units, and bent #1 rod with reconditioned one. Put back together and runs fine so far. IH dealer said common for these tractors with dry sleeves to encounter breakage. Since 504D engine is same as 560D but with 2 less cylinders, curious if anyone else has encountered this as well? Sounds as if the 560/660D has served many well.
jason schott wrote on Friday, November 17, 2000 (PST):the Farmall 560D that we have came really pull the load. Every time I get on the 560 and start it I feel like I have all the horsepower under that hood to get any job done that could be possible.
jason schott wrote on Friday, November 17, 2000 (PST):the Farmall 560D that we have came really pull the load. Every time I get on the 560 and start it I feel like I have all the horsepower under that hood to get any job done that could be possible.
jason schott wrote on Friday, November 17, 2000 (PST):the Farmall 560D that we have came really pull the load. Every time I get on the 560 and start it I feel like I have all the horsepower under that hood to get any job done that could be possible.
Bob again wrote on Friday, November 03, 2000 (PST):What about a serial number that ends in SYCC?
Bob again wrote on Friday, November 03, 2000 (PST):What about a serial number that ends in SYCC?
Bob again wrote on Friday, November 03, 2000 (PST):What about a serial number that ends in SYCC?
Bob again wrote on Friday, November 03, 2000 (PST):What about a serial number that ends in SYCC?
Bob wrote on Friday, November 03, 2000 (PST):Does any one know about a 560D Wheatland with a hand clutch?
Julio Manalo wrote on Monday, October 23, 2000 (PDT):I have a wide end 560 diesel, D282 engine, runs great, used for sugarcane cultivation in Negros, Philippines. I don't use it anymore, will sell for $4,000. Anyone interested?
Randy B. wrote on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 (PDT):Very nice picture of the 560. My uncle has a 460 that he has used for years. And what a workhorse. He has used it to disc land, pull a 3 bottom 14" turning plow as well as irrigate the tobacco fields pulling three rainbird guns and never putting it under a strain. He has had an Oliver Row-Crop 77, Farmall Super A, John Deere 2040 and a Farmall F-20, but his favorite baby will always be the 460. IH is the best.
David Fransen wrote on Thursday, October 12, 2000 (PDT):Wow, does this site bring back memories. I worked on my uncle's ranch during and shortly after high school in the late 60's and early 70's. The main workhorse tractor was a 560 Diesel. We used it year round for everything, in conjunction with several Farmall M's and H's and a Case VAC. The 560 did everything that was asked of it, from a 5 bottom plow, to cutting silage, to planting wheat, grinding feed, there was nothing that was too tough. Loved the TA, especially when plowing. And yes, gotta love the sound of that engine under load.
Randy Brande wrote on Wednesday, October 11, 2000 (PDT):Avery nice picture of the 560. I grew up working on my uncles tobacco farm and he had a 460 that did a great job of pulling the harrow and also a 3 bottom 14" plow. He used it also to pull three rain bird irrigation guns during the summer. This tractor is truly a workhorse and he still uses it today to tend his garden. He has always said it was the best tractor he ever bought, except of course for his Farmall F-20.
Clayton Harra wrote on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 (PDT): I currently have a 1963 560-D that has been completely overhauled front to back. This girl starts and runs great. It really has a sound of its own when it hooks to plows. Was also wondering if anyone has any old Firestone 23 degree 15.5 X 38 gum dipped tires for sale.
Clayton Harra wrote on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 (PDT): I currently have a 1963 560-D that has been completely overhauled front to back. This girl starts and runs great. It really has a sound of its own when it hooks to plows. Was also wondering if anyone has any old Firestone 23 degree 15.5 X 38 gum dipped tires for sale.
Duane Sanders wrote on Monday, October 02, 2000 (PDT):I use to have a 560 Diesel wide front. It was a good tractor for my farming operation of 320 acres. I was a fool to trade it years ago. I also have my Dad's tractor that he bought new in 1963. It is a 504 Diesel with a torque amplifier. I am interested in finding out what this tractor is worth. It is a row crop style tractor with a 3 point hitch also. Anyones input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Chris wrote on Friday, September 22, 2000 (PDT):I just bought a IH 706 with loader. Tractor seems to be in great shape and runs excellent. New rear tires and great paint job. Reads 4500 hours (dont know if thats the second time around). Ser. # 1293. I paid $5800.00 Can anyone give me some information about this tractor? What year it was made? Did I get a good deal? What about 3 point hitch?
David M. Williams wrote on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 (PDT):About a year ago a friend of mine found a 560 Diesel that I bought. It was purchased from an elderly gentleman who had stated he had gotten too old to climb onto it and that it was too high up off the ground. The tractor had been shed kept and just this spring I had to replace the "orginal" front tires. I'm not sure how many hours was placed on this tractor because I found the RPM drive mechanism stripped out at 2435 hours. She's just as strong as I want her to be with my largest implement being a 10' heavyduty offset disk harrow. My brother had just recently commented on the unique strong sounding engine.
John Dawson wrote on Sunday, September 03, 2000 (PDT):I have a McCormick 560 L.P.gas with wide front end. Where do I look to find the serial number? The L.P. tank was made in Lubbock Tx. in 1959. Model #S10321HC for IH # 371775R91, but no tractor serial number. I need to know where I can get a manual so I can fix the machine. It just quit one day coming back from shredding a small pasture. I think it is electrical but don't know a thing about it. Need help! Great running machine, I just don't know what I have.
Dan Nourse wrote on Sunday, August 27, 2000 (PDT):I have 560D with a brush hog on it and looking to find a front end loader w/hydraulic dump. It has a narrow front end and is a great runner!!
jw- wrote on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 (PDT):Just bought a 460 gas tractor. It was been rebuilt by a young farmer then his bank sold him out. I guy I got it from wanted to keep it but financial crunch, recent surgery, has forced him to sell. I was lucky enough to get it for myself. I have been surfing the net looking for more info on this unit. Have found some but looking for more. If anyone knows of any goods sites on the 460 by all means I would appreciate your comments.
Danny wrote on Sunday, August 13, 2000 (PDT):Looking for a Farmall 460, gas or diesel, midwest area
Danny wrote on Sunday, August 13, 2000 (PDT):Buy the tractor Tim,That is a steel
Tim wrote on Thursday, August 10, 2000 (PDT):I have the chance to buy a 560 gas for $500 the tractor doesn't run is a good deal?
CHRIS SOLOMON wrote on Thursday, July 20, 2000 (PDT):My uncle in Missouri has two 560D's. Wide and narrow for both. Both are being used to cut and rake hay. Those are very unique sounding engines.
Robert Grosfield wrote on Saturday, July 15, 2000 (PDT):I overhauled my 560D in the early 1970s and used it as my primary "big" tractor until I purchased a new 1066. I put a M&W turbo on and instantly gained 14 HP. As time went on and my equipment got bigger I kept turning up the pump. After getting the 1066 I decided to have it checked and put it on a dyno, the mechanic was really surprized that I had been running it at 96 HP for two years and not blowing the engine. It did everything I could expect.
Matt White wrote on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 (PDT):I have a old 1959 560 and boy does that engine sound great. i'm looking forward too restoring it. its a real classic!
R ZITO wrote on Monday, May 22, 2000 (PDT):560IH TORQ AMP STOPPED MOVING ME . WHAT HAPPENED?
RUSSELL ZITO wrote on Thursday, May 18, 2000 (PDT):I liked visiting the shed. Thanks!
JD George wrote on Friday, April 07, 2000 (PDT):I'm interested in purcahsing a good IH 450, with narrow front, fast hitch, working TA. Thanks, JDG from Nebraska/Indiana
Gary Opsahl wrote on Saturday, March 18, 2000 (PST):I would like to find more on the 460 as I have one and love it
Lance Ropte wrote on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 (PST):I own the family 560D. I remember when it was new...A great sounding tractor pulling a four bottom plow. I will restore it to better than new condition. The early 706D also had the 282D engine but it was turned up to 2400 RPMs. I'd like to have a couple more of them. They were my favorite tractor.
Brian Eccles wrote on Sunday, March 05, 2000 (PST):My 560 diesel is the best starter I have in zub zero weather and is an excellent garden tractor.
R.E.L Tue. Feb. 9/2000 wrote on Tuesday, February 29, 2000 (PST):Has anyone the name and adress for the IHC club's magazine?
Buddy Johnson wrote on Sunday, February 20, 2000 (PST):I am looking for the value of and parts for an International 540 Diesel. I would like to convert the tricycle tires to wide tires on the front.
Carlton W. Mullins wrote on Saturday, February 19, 2000 (PST):My dad currently owns a Farmall 560-D (#43247) with wide front end & toque amphlier. I've got a question about some decals that aparrently this tractor used to have on it. They are starting to show up from the faded paint. The decales are located on the left side of the hood. One decales says "Job Matched Speeds" & the other says "More Work At Lower Cost". I've heard of some Limited Edition 560's that were solid white that were supposed to be an advertisement type thing. I've seen an article on one, but the tractor in the article was questioned on its authenisity. Its been a few years ago & I can't remember which magizine it was in now. Any reponse would be greatful. Thanks!
Ralph Butteris wrote on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 (PST):I have a 560D and need a rebuilt fuel pump and hydro pump.
Richard Sprott wrote on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 (PST):I am looking for a Farmall 560, F20, and F30. If anyone has one for sale, let me know.
Collins Duke wrote on Saturday, December 18, 1999 (PST):When I was in high school, My FFA chapter had a Farmall D-560 for use on the school farm, it had duals 15x5-38's it had a fast hitch, we had a 2 bottom IHC disk plow for it and a IHC model 37-A disk, we are in South Florida in the Everglades farming Region where sugar cane and winter vegtables are king.
JWyngard wrote on Friday, December 17, 1999 (PST):I have A 560 diesel bought it because when i was yonger plowing with this tracktor was something that sticks you.i have been considering converting it to gas because of W.I. cold winters is this possible and about how much cost would it be?
Jim Testerman wrote on Friday, December 10, 1999 (PST):I must consider my self lucky. I have a 560 gas and a 560 diesel. The gas is a narrow front end. The diesel is a wide front. Both are in good condition. I have noticed in the ads when the tractors were new that they had power slip wheels. Was this an option?
derek wrote on Thursday, December 09, 1999 (PST):I have a 460 I love it is perfect for raking hay I would recomend it to anybody for a good antique tractor to fix up and paint to put in parades .
Phil Hendrickson wrote on Saturday, November 27, 1999 (PST):I have to agree with Ritch F. about the sound of the engine, it is a sound I will never forget. We use to own a 560 diesel, wide front, and would love to buy one to rebuild and listen to the great engine purrrr!! Hacksaw
Ritch Folmer wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 1999 (PST): I like 560's, but what about the 660. This was even a better tractor. I've owned three in my time and I can hardly find any literature on them. Are they that rare? Anyways you can't beat the sound that this engine produces under load. It's great!
Zac wrote on Friday, October 29, 1999 (PDT):my E-mail is pigzac at
Zac Campbell wrote on Friday, October 29, 1999 (PDT):I'm looking to buy a 560 and was wondering how much a good price to pay for one would be.If anybody has any comments you think i would like-please E-mail me!-Thanks!
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